I (24f) recently broke up with my bf (24m) of 8 years because he crossed my boundaries one too many times. We had been fighting a lot recently but after I caught him doing something I clearly told him I was uncomfortable with I couldn’t take it so I broke up with him. The thing about it is that I know I wasn’t perfect but I feel that the issues we had before he betrayed my trust were things we could fix. Anyway, days after we broke up I realized he followed a bunch of girls on instagram (including this girl who he knows I don’t like because she was trying to get with him when we first started talking), was liking a bunch of girls pictures, and even commented on one (5 DAYS AFTER WE BROKE UP). He said a bunch of hurtful shit while we broke up like telling me he didn’t care that he was hurting me but -sort of- apologized the next day while saying goodbye (thru text). At first I believed his apology but now I’m starting to really think he doesn’t care. He hasn’t reached out since and I’ve been dying for a text or even a sign of caring from him, but nothing. I still love him and honestly would give him a chance to make it up to me… even if though I know I probably shouldn’t.

  1. Yes, block everywhere and move on with your life. It will get easier with every day.

  2. Eight years is a long time to be with someone when you are so young. You either grow together or apart. I think you two have grown apart.

    So yes, move on. You’ll hurt and feel lonely, especially at first. But as time goes on, you truly will be happier than you have been recently. Embrace being young and single.

  3. Of course that’s not your ONLY option. You could take him back, and he will continue to cross your boundaries except even more than before.

    I hope you choose to love yourself more!

  4. Yes – and its normal to feel like this after a brreakup.

    Perhaps some time with a therapist so you can talk it out and understand your feelings more might be helpful.

    Just keep moving forward.

  5. Time is the biggest healer. Stop stalking him and you wont know what he is up to. He is looking to move on. You need to create a wall of silence between you two and think about your future.

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