I know this sounds really stupid but we were playfully bantering with each other, then she (18f) smacked me (18m) like playfully and said a bad word after because like heat of the moment then in response to the bad word she proceeded to punch me in the gut as hard as she could. She isn’t even talking to me now like I blew up the world or something. I feel like I deserve the apology. I hopped in the shower after and there was an actual mark on me. What do I do? This isn’t the first time she’s hit me even if it’s “playful” it still hurts me sometimes.

TL;DR: my girlfriend hit me after saying a bad word and left a mark, not sure how to continue.

  1. Your girlfriend physically abuses you when you swear? Dude this is not ok. Imagine if the genders were reversed here, you’d be sitting in a jail cell. BREAK UP WITH HER.

  2. Don’t stay with someone who thinks its ok to physically abuse their partner, it will only get worse and you shouldn’t ever accept it. If it was the other way around the police would be involved.

  3. Physical abuse is never ok, period. Even if she only lightly hit you, it would still not be ok, the fact that she hit you hard enough to leave a mark means her intention was to hurt you. Its irrelevent why, she wanted to cause you physical pain, and no amount of apologizing makes up for that.

    Leave, dont let it escalate and it will. If she doesnt face a consequence for this she will continue the behavior until it becomes something much more drastic, and you nor anyone in the world deserves that

  4. You’ll simply get nowhere near the attention because you’re a man with this issue. If you were the woman you’d get droves of attention.

  5. Uhhh. No. Playful light hitting is fine but full on punches? U still need advice to gtfo of there?

    Like would it be the same if u full on slapped her for the same reason?

  6. She punched you, break up. Easy.

    That being said, what was the word and in what context does it relate to your gf? If I walked up to a black dude and said the N word I have no right to get annoyed when he socks me.

    You’ve purposefully missed our a large piece of context to this story which makes me think you’re not as innocent as you make out.

  7. She is physically abusive and there’s no excuse. Don’t think there is any difference because you’re male and she’s female. One partner physically abusing the other for swearing ( or literally anything) is completely unacceptable.
    You break up with her.

  8. ok like what did u say. I mean she’s wrong regardless, im just wondering what was it that you said that she feels justified in bringing violence to the relationship

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