This has been a theme pretty much since college for me (I’m 29 now) to varying degrees.

I’ll be out with friends, have a great conversation with a man who is alone that night (with friends but not with a significant other). I think the conversation is going very well, get any and all variations of compliments about me being engaging/beautiful, wishing they’d met me sooner (“where have you been hiding?!; why hasn’t ____ brought you out before??”), and being very curious about my life. Only to depart from the conversation, meet up with my friends, and learn that they have a partner. The man does not mention it or even at times explicitly says he does not have one.

Last night I went out for a friends birthday, danced like a goof with my friends to 90s-2000s music, had a ton of fun—a man in the group hit on me, made eye contact with me, orbited me and stayed out until I went home. Then he found and added me on Instagram this morning (a friend tagged me in a post) for me to see he has a SERIOUS girlfriend and with the invitation DM’d me this morning saying he had so much fun last night, hopes my Sunday is amazing, and hopes to see me again soon. Wtf!

I was wearing a form fitting black dress that went to my knees with a slit up one thigh—so sure a sexy dress but not anything too revealing or attention seeking.

This happens to me time and time again. In the last month it’s happened to me 3 times. And I know this says more about their character that they aren’t disclosing this info than my character. But I don’t know what I give off that makes men either not disclose or even at times just straight up lie to me that they don’t have a partner in order to hit on me.

I hate it, it makes me feel icky once I find out, and I wish I could attract happily uncoupled men instead (they never approach me in the wild, only on apps). It also makes me not put a lot of faith in men in general that this is my norm rather than a one-off.

It just leaves me thinking what does this say about me? What energy am I giving off that makes men think they can do this? Is there such thing as having infidelity vibes?? How do I attract single men with the same level of enthusiasm to get to know me/seek me out???

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