I am currently 25 years old and would probably call myself looking really young for my age. More like 19 to 21… I am also not that tall (1.78m) and I am somewhat insecure wheather this is holding me back in my dating life – I am not really successful with women and never had a serious relationship so far. Part of myself is projecting this on my really young looks, which kinda pisses me off…

Growing a beard is also pretty impossible, since it would look shitty and I am not sure wheather I can even grow a proper one…

So here’s my question: How much do young looks affect girls tendency to get attracted by men?

  1. Nah dude, some women love the “baby face” look. Like most things it is a matter of preference and everyone is going to have different preferences, just like some women love beards and some women think they’re gross, same goes with faces.

    The only way to find out if you can grow a beard is to let it happen. Don’t shave for 3-4 weeks and see where it ends up. Beards are like head hair, they don’t look good naturally (or rarely do) without a little upkeep to keep them looking fresh. A barber/hairdresser can help you style, shape, and maintain it. Plenty of youtube videos on the subject too.

  2. -have you tried the classic 3-4 days worth of unshaved growth look? seems pretty popular, and not nearly as challenging as growing in a beard evenly

    -success with women. are you really confident? have high self-esteem? as really, Confidence Attracts! (and, lack of confidence may repel)

    If you’ve low self-esteem, that’s often due to anxiety, a predisposition to overthink about things — does that sound like more than a bit like your outlook?

  3. I think it does to some degree. In public most people assume that I’m underage or close to it and it can make other adults a little hesitant to engage. I’m 26 and still get asked if I’m 17 or younger at the airport. As far as dating goes, it feels like the standard is going along with the trend of men having full beards and looking more mature with “dad bods” while making some leaner, clean shaven guys seem younger and possibly effeminate in comparison.

    But as long as you’re able to present yourself well, it’s mostly just a small hurdle. I’ve been out with a few women who are even older than me and they felt my personality contrasted a lot with how I look and my actual age. Your best bet is probably through allowing more time to let someone get to know you before anything else.

  4. It’ll help you later in life.

    It does mess with me now at 25 though. I get told I look at most 22, even with a full grown mustache. When I shave I pass for a college sophomore. Means a lot of the time the girls who are into me are 18-20, and I get called a creep if I go after them, so it’s a pickle.

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