So I have no problem with striking up a conversation with someone new and even then adding them on social media.

However after that, I have no idea how to initiate a meet up. I feel like it’s so awkward to just randomly ask them for lunch or something, because we had only met once.
Anyone got any advice I would love it.

  1. The best way to make a new friend is at a spot where you’re likely to see them regularly. So this could be work, school, a neighbor, someone you see at a hobby, class, gym, group etc. Then you strike up a conversation each time you see the person, developing a rapport over time. THEN you can invite them to do something with you outside the place where you know them from.

    As you’ve noted, it’s more difficult to do this with someone you’ve met once, because you really haven’t had time to develop that rapport.

  2. As FL-Irish said, it’s a lot easier to initiate meet ups with people you see consistently like co-workers and classmates. Since you see these people often, it’s easy to invite them to have lunch or go out after school or work. If it’s someone you don’t see as often, I like to tell them about restaurants that I like or activities I like to do. For example, if the person I’m talking to likes Indian food, I’ll tell them about a good Indian restaurant and suggest that we go there sometime. Or if we have a common interest like dancing, I could invite them to take a dance class with me one night. Just look for things you have in common and invite them to do things that you will both enjoy, and if they decline, it’s not the end of the world.

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