how do i get better at talking to my girlfreind?

ive been with my girlfreind for 3 years and we dont really talk anymore were both semi happy with just being in each others presence but its nice to actually talk and stuff weve kinda resorted to just asking each other random questions “if you could have a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a mouse which would you choose” i love these little questions and i love my girlfreind i just never know what to talk about we watch movies together and shows but theres no real conversation starting

ive been with my gf for 3 years and dont know how to talk to her

  1. talk about where she has been in life, what she has seen, what she has done. what she thinks, what she feels. ask her what she wants out of life, where she wants to be, what she wants to see, what she wants to experience in life. ect.

  2. Are you hanging out irl? Do activities, go places, suggest new things for you both to do together and talk about that?

  3. I actually have the same issue, she expects me to talk more but she doesn’t like to answer more or less she’s the listener.

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