Basically she’s asking you to go on a pity date with her undesirable family member/friend. Would you do it? You don’t have to sleep with her or anything, just try to make her happy and have fun for the day.

  1. Urgh no, that is a disaster waiting to happen. A date is still a date. And why on earth would my girlfriend of all people be suggesting this. Kinda feels like I am double screwed if I said yes.

  2. That sounds like a setup…. Find a friend to do it as a wing man but don’t you dare do it. It will get used against you. Or your GF isn’t into you anymore.

  3. No, that’s really weird. Maybe go out with the three of us or something but a ‘date’ is a no.

  4. I refuse to spend time with people I don’t enjoy.

    A lot of my people are social outcasts. That’s fine. I like who they are, and I enjoy the time we spend together.

    If I don’t find my partners friend enjoyable, I’m not wasting time with them.

  5. I’d ask my single friends to see if one of them is interested.

    But first, I’d have a very serious talk with the girlfriend. If she’s into me, she’s not supposed to be asking me to go on a date with someone else. Maybe she is not interested, or even worse, wants to use this against me.

    **Most importantly, I wouldn’t even consider going on that date. That can go really bad really quickly.**

  6. I dunno, if they are cool then I’m not sure what the problem is, nothing wrong with hanging out with people

  7. > You don’t have to sleep with her or anything, just try to make her happy and have fun for the day.

    Just to be clear, I can sleep with her if I want to, right?

  8. i call in a favor from a bro that owes me big. And pay cash money for his time.

    Gf going owe me big for this i talkin freaky stuff for my efforts.

  9. A family member is different, bc its family, there’s a deeper connection and commitment, and purely platonic. A friend? Thats not your or her responsibility.

  10. What is the fuck kind of request is that…

    Hey youre daying me, bur go on a date with someone else?? Thats a big ol red flag

  11. “What good do you think that will accomplish? Sounds like it would just be cruel to do to her.”

  12. I would tell her that I’m not giving her a pity date, its lying and insulting, and that I’m not her fucking whore.

  13. No. And I’d rethinking my relationship with my GF too because it sounds like she’s using me for something.

  14. The premise is a little weird. Like does the friend know it’s a pity date? Does she not know I’m her friend’s boyfriend? It’s hardly a “date” at all at that point.

    But, sure, I suppose I’d give it a go if everyone was on the same page and I didn’t already have a dislike for this friend.

  15. I’d probably do it just for the story. But only because it’s so bizarre that I can’t actually imagine my girlfriend asking me to do that.

  16. I’d probably hook my friend up with her friend/ family member and go on a double date

  17. As long as it’s clear it’s not a romantic thing, ie, just hanging out I don’t see anything wrong with it

  18. I would refuse. It just sounds like a bad thing to do and 100% I can’t pull it off convincingly.

  19. If it was a situation like “she’s never been on a date and just wants a consequence free trial run” then sure. But only if I’m not attracted to her.

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