I haven’t dated for a while but I met this woman who I was kind of attracted to and wanted to see her more. We had a coffee and i think it went well. No silence or awkward moments. I texted her a few hours later and asked if she would be keen for a drink after work. She said two words “Sounds good”. I thought that was odd but pushed through any way and gave her a date, time and location. 24 hours later she says she can’t until 1 May because she’s really busy.
Honestly, I felt a bit gutted. I is clear she’s not interested but, I felt a bit let down she didn’t just tell me the truth.

  1. I’ll tell her, you understood that she has other priorities, and just let you know if she’s keen to hangout. You’ll know if she’s still interested, she’ll hit you up. If not, then it’s on to the next one.

    It can be hard when you just started dating again, but never put all of your cards out, unless you are absolutely sure that she is your soulmate. Some thing’s just cant be forced, if it’s not meant to be.

    I would focus on working to be the best person you want to be.

    Yes, there is heaps of other fishes in the sea. But is the fisherman good enough to catch the one he attracts? This helps me a lot. Work on yourself and fishes will come on their own, you’ll choose which one you want to bring home.

  2. Don’t be that invested in a person you don’t know, the rejection will sting a bit but won’t hurt. Why she’s ‘ busy ‘ untill May 1st is irrelevant, digging in to an imaginary pit is just going to get you asking more questions about a single persons psyche, maybe shes uncomfortable rejecting you, maybe she is actually really busy, you want answers as to why you failed the mission, when sometimes in dating its nothing you did.

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