I started seeing someone as a rebound and it’s a casual relationship…but I don’t really now hot to handle it. How are you supposed to act in a casual situation? Not talk everyday? Only text when you want to hook up? Not cuddle when you see them , only sex? How am I supposed to act? I’m realizing I want more than a casual relationship. Should I stop seeing him to open up space for someone new? Or is this a normal way people get into relationships, it starts casual and leads to something more? I really don’t know how to date I have a lot of truama from narcissists and I have a history from sexual abuse so I don’t know how to date or handle these situations. I usually throw myself very fast in sex thinking it will lead to a relationship……

  1. If you know you throw yourself into sex wanting it to lead to a relationship or not being able to hold back feelings, then maybe casual sex isn’t for you?

    But if you really want to proceed, it works in whatever way you two frame it. No casual sex is the same. Some people hang out and go on dates and have sex but don’t talk or text much outside of that. Or some only call to meet up for sex. You should also find out if they’re having casual sex with other people because you should be safe.

  2. it is just a matter of talking it out, just go out and tell him what you feel, what you want and let him tell you where he is standing and how he feels. That is a thing you build together, if you fell comfortable enough then go for it, there are no “rules” o ways, it is just a matter of being open about it, and this is coming from a person who used to go anxiety deep in overthinking

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