How was your first kiss with your current partner?

  1. It was a little awkward to be honest, I was her client (she is a tattoo artist), I was 25 at the time and she was 34, I was pretty anxious and a little scared about what would happen between us, but I’ve never been happier than I am today. But oh man the first time that I came to her apartment (where we live together today) I didn’t know where to look or what to say, we live on the 7th floor, it was a long lift ride

  2. Short. She kissed me quickly before getting in her uber and leaving after our first date. I don’t remember how I got to my car, I was so happy

  3. Awkward. It was on a mountain. I took her to this place where my school used to go for the winter trip (it’s a ski lodge) i kid of hate the snow, she kind of loves it. It was like the third date. We’ve been together for 2 weeks and we went there for 3 days. She kissed me on the second night when we were outside by the fire…it was not cold enough for me to stay inside. It was excellent, would have been better if i knew she was going to kiss me, i was wrapped up by myself in a blanket, she told me i looked so cute…i don’t want to be cute.

  4. Don’t remember it. We met 15 years ago and had a small fling, but then rekindled it this year.

  5. Awkward. The last girl I liked, I tried to take it slow. In the past, I was fast to jump into physical interaction but figured that because I was trying to date seriously I would be more respectful and not just try to jump into bed. Because I didn’t go for anything by Date 3, she broke it off because she felt I wasn’t serious. I told myself to always go for the kiss on Date 2.

    I was a little anxious and leaned in, but she had turned her head due to a car horn. I ended up kissing her ear. We laughed, made out, and now we’re married,

  6. Probably amazing. All the kisses with my SO are that way. I’ve only ever kissed one woman and felt that way. It is like tasting passion.

  7. I forgot I was wearing a baseball cap and headbutted her in the eye with the bill on the first attempt. She laughed, I threw the hat, she came back in and it was amazing.

    Still got the hat, I’m gonna whip it out at the wedding.

  8. It was equal parts weird and exciting. We had known each other since we were 5 years old. We had no affection like that for each other back in those formative years. We were just neighbors. We lost all contact due to moving on with life. I came home to crash with my folks the summer after college graduation. She and I reconnected but things were different. Most decidedly different. My folks were gone for the weekend. She came over to hang out. It was just us. We were in the hot tub enjoying some beer/wine and i guess you know where this is going. I honestly don’t remember who made the first move. It’s almost like it just happened. I just remember leaning in and our lips touched. Weird and exciting. “Is this really happening??? With her??? I want more of this!” She then took the initiative and straddled me and thus began a full make-out session. Then she shut it down. It was just a little too much for her and the dominoes were tumbling down too quickly. She apologized. I was incredulous, “for what??” She didn’t want to lead me on. Uh, so what if you are?……we’re both adults here. Then she dropped the V bomb on me. Yeah, she may have been 22 and had a couple of boyfriends but she still had never gone all the way. I could go on but, long story short, I guess you could say this was the moment of establishing a more than just friends dynamic and just exploring where it would take us.

  9. The fact that we met was next to impossible. We crossed paths twice in the same day, in a different state, while on separate trips with our friends. We ended up at the same cafe late at night, after breaking away from our friends. We spoke for hours until the place closed. We walked outside to the entirely now dead quiet town, and went to a local park for a quick walk. We ended up kissing, and it was incredible.

    It was like time had stopped, pure euphoria, my eyes got fuzzy, and there was no other place I wanted to be. It was only a few seconds, but it had felt like a lifetime, a moment that I wanted to replay every day for the rest of my life.

    However, sadly we ended up dating for 2 years and then breaking up after college graduation due to us getting jobs in different countries. However, 5 years later, we ended up crossing paths again when she came home due to COVID. We ended up getting coffee, and yet again kissed. The same feelings I had felt 7 years prior were the same ones I had again. We are now engaged to be married.

  10. Nerve wracking but very sweet. It was after we talked ’til 3 in the morning and were headed to bed (separate beds) on our second date. It was also my first kiss so I was unsure of what to do but gathered the courage to initiate and she didn’t mind my nervousness. Wemt to bed very excited and kissed her the next morning as well.

  11. Okay, this is pretty cute.

    So, we were on our second date and it went pretty well. We went out for breakfast and went to the beach for a walk. There were a few good opportunities to kiss, and nothing happened.

    He dropped me off at home, and called me maybe 10-15 minutes later. He rambled a bit about how he wanted to kiss me but wasn’t sure it was okay. I had signalled that I move more slowly in relationships than he does and he was trying to be cognizant of that, but it put him in a position where he wanted to kiss me but was hesitant.

    I told him it was fine to kiss me, even teased him about it a bit.

    Later in the day we were messaging each other about the differences between the city and cottage areas. I firmly prefer the city, but being in rural areas has the advantage of seeing stars way more clearly. I never get to see that living in Toronto. It’s like the New York of Canada, virtually no stars. Half of what you believe is a star is actually a plane or satellite.

    So, he suggested that we meet again, he drives us further north away from the city for a few hours, and kiss under a sky of stars by the time night hit. I agreed and we did just that. We found a dock on the outskirts of a small town, strolled down, looked up and the sky, and then he kissed me.

    Definitely the most romantic first kiss I’ve had.

    Then we went to his truck and made out where it was a little bit warmer =P

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