Wife is joining the force. I want to know what I can do to be supportive and also help her if need be. Or what to expect

  1. Listen to her difficulties on her shifts if any. Try to resist the need to fix it, just be a good listener.

  2. Prepare for an affair. I work in city government. The female officers almost always get into that it’s a real problem.

  3. My wife was a sheriff deputy for a few years. It was something she enjoyed doing but was very demanding. She’d been a house wife for the majority of our marriage at that point and it took a lot of her physically. I tried to be supportive but I found that I had to take the majority of the household responsibilities i.e. cooking, cleaning, and tending to the children. At first I didn’t mind because she was so excited to be part of something bigger than herself. Since I have a very demanding job myself (military) I got frustrated with working 10+ hours a day and coming home to another workload.

    For the hours she worked, she didn’t get paid enough money to make it worth while. I know this all sounds completely selfish of me but it took a huge toll on us and I was relieved when we had to move across the country when I got promoted. It caused a lot of friction in our marriage of 16 years. I wish it worked better but it was a terrible experience for me.

  4. She will be dealing with the worst people all day and become very cynical. Make sure that she does not bring her work attitude home.

    Help her understand that this is normal.

  5. If she ever faces accountability for misconduct, be sure to scream and go off the handle about how awful it is that she’s being persecuted for no reason.

  6. I knew a female officer. She wanted to be dominated in the bedroom since she has to be in charge during work. Might not happen to every female cop but keep it in mind.

  7. Good luck.

    She’ll be drinking, cheating, or just become very jaded. Probably all three.

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