I’m in a online relationship with somebody that I only agreed to because I was having a existential crisis about dying alone but want to end it now should I just say to hell with it and block him or be upfront

  1. Be up front. Feel free to make an excuse like not wanting an internet relationship, but leaving him wondering will be so much worse for him.

  2. I always think the being up front route is the way to go. At least then the other party knows what’s happened instead of having the confusion & doubt too.

  3. …now if he won’t accept it, or gets clingy or juvenile about things afterword. That’s what the block button is there for.

  4. I stand by my answer but knowing that now I say be up front about it THEN go ahead and block him. You don’t need to be staying where you don’t want to be and be unhappy. Definitely don’t deserve to be manipulated or extorted into staying by threats like that. At the end of the day you have to look out for and be responsible for yourself. That’s an extremely difficult scenario to be in though, I feel for you.

  5. Online as in long distance, or as in you never met IRL? If you never met, that’s not a real relationship. That’s just a texting buddy.

    Even so, ghosting is pretty crappy. Just tell them it’s not working out and you wish them the best.

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