I will try to keep it short.  I [23M] met this girl [24F] back in 2018. Lets call her Maria. Now when we met I was in a really bad position when it comes to mental health. Nevertheless, I asked her out and she agreed. It was an average date, we connected but there was a problem for me. I thought she was to much for me. Too pretty, too inteligent. As I said I was really in a bad position and my self steem was very low. Before saying goodbye Maria was holding my arm and I think that when my train came, she would have gone for a kiss but I 2 kissed her and left. I felt I missed a big opportunity and tried to move on. However, some days after, she texted me. We kept talking on and off trho text. As I said I really liked her but I just felt less than shit so I didnt have the strnght to ask her out again. When I talked to her back in 2019/2020 I felt really bad and my mental helth couldnt handle it so my big brain decided to “get rid of her” in a “good way”. So what I did was basically confessing to her thro text which imo is pretty cringy. I thought that way she would stop texting me so in the same text in which I confessed, I told her goodbye, without even leaving her the opportunity to say yes or no. We stopped talking for some month until she one day texted me again. This was a surprise for me honestly. At that moment, after some time to heal, I decided I should just try to “man up” and just deal with the potencial anxiety it gave me.
During this years I focused on impriving myself and so i did with time. I dated other girls and hooked up with some other (all short term). The difference is that even tho I liked them, they werent her, thats why it wasnt the same. I didnt feel nervous with them even tho I still like Maria. Long story short, we kept on seeing us maybe twice a year since now. No kisses on this dates or anything. Just good vibes. Good connection with her. She saw other guys and we talked about it and i talk about the girls i short term dated. Now back in this year. We saw each other in july. As always very good. Im leaving in september 2 years (i will come for holidays and summer) for a masters and she knows it. Yesterday she texted me even tho i thought i wouldnt see her again in some time. She asked me if i wanted to meet before leaving.

Now this is the thing. I want this to end. The doubts. I want to tell her I like her since the first time I saw her. Im worried she sees me as a friend now althought i think she knows I like her. She is the best person Ive ever known. Very sweet, pretty, intelligent…

We have already agreed the day. Next monday. Should I text her and tell what I feel befote the date? Should I tell her in person? What would you do?
Im not gonna leave without her knowing about my feelings.

Thanks for reading

  1. I have a horrible habit of thinking if i didn’t stick the landing the first time or I hesitated, there’s no point in trying again. I know women aren’t this unforgiving but I keep putting way too much stock in “first impressions are everything”

    Hope you prove me wrong man

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