Do you have a bottle deposit system in your country? If not, how are you recycling your bottles and cans?

  1. Glass beer bottles are returned for deposit. The rest (plastic bottles and all the other glass bottles, possibly cans and carton packages) is recycled. It kind of depends on your municipality what recycling containers are provided. Paper, plastic and glass (separated into clear and colored) is the basic package which is everywhere, but often you can also recycle cans and cartons as I mentioned.

  2. I do.

    I collect everything that has an barcode on it in a plastic bag with zipper and when it’s full I’m on my way to the nearest grocery store to recycle them.

    Problem is I don’t really use cash so the sum I get from the deposit just collects dust in a cabinet. Last time I counted it was around 120 Euros.
    Sometimes I use it for pizza/dining out money, but I do it like once every third month so kind of a struggle to reduce the small pile.

    Obviously if I need to buy something from the grocery I use the receipt to “get a discount”.

    IMO those that doesn’t do it are lazy idiots.
    “imma chuck dis shit in burnables/metal recycling because I can’t be bothered to responsibly deal with the stuff I buy hurdurr”

  3. We have recycling points set up along the roads and in villages here in Bretagne, France. No cash back but a good system to facilitate recycling.

  4. Yes,we get money from it so ofcourse i carry them back to the shop!
    0,33L 0,10e
    Cans 0,15e
    0,5L bottles 0,20e
    1,5L bottles 0,40e etc.

  5. Right now, the deposit system is only in place for bottles, but will include cans starting januari 1st.

    At the moment, cans are simply recycled depending on the municipality without much incentive.

  6. Always. We get money when recycling them, so it’s not hard to get the kids to take bottles and cans to the store for recycling.

  7. Yes, the nation-wide return rates per material in Finland in 2021:

    Glass bottles: 98%

    Aluminium cans: 97%

    PET-bottles: 90%

    Plastic bottles are the lowest, likely because they are reused at home as water bottles or for home made juice or mead. For example.

  8. We don’t have a deposit system, people hated it back in the USSR. There’s a single bin for all recyclables and people put all their recyclable household waste into it.

  9. we dont have those, we just put them in the yellow bin or green bin if they are glass bottles

  10. Most glass drink bottles, and the crates they come in, can be returned for a deposit. Rest of the glass goes into the glass containers that are dotted around residential areas

    Plastic bottles and metal cans go into the blue bag for recycling and these bags get picked up by garbage trucks.

  11. There is no bottle deposit scheme in the UK, although various Governments have talked about setting one up recently.

    My county collects bottles and cans as part of their weekly recycling service, we have a container for glass and another for metal and plastics.

  12. I return glass and plastic bottles to an automatic collection machine to receive a deposit which currently is €0.10 per item. The coupon can be used in the supermarket that installed the machine. The desposit is a bit small. Bottles are returned mainly by bums, and the facility smells of beer like a garbage dump. It is separated quite far from the supermarket, perhaps for this reason.

    Other plastic and paper containers I rinse out and drop into a recycling bin. However, I don’t believe they get processed accordingly because people throw mixed trash into those bins. For some reason the plastic bin always has more paper in it, maybe because its yellow and people associated that with cardboard, or they can’t see the color markings under sodium light.

  13. 🇩🇰 Yes we have in Denmark. We always recycle ♻️ here. We are motivated to do because we get money every time we recycle ♻️.

  14. We have a separate glass bin as one of our four regular rubbish bins (household waste, recycling, compost, glass), but metal cans just go into the normal recycling bin along with paper and plastic

  15. No bottle deposit system. Plastic bottles go in the plastic bin, while glass and cans go together and are sorted at the station.

  16. For bottles we have a deposit system:

    * 25 cents for big plastic bottles
    * 15 cents for smal plastic bottles (usually around 0.5L)
    * 10 cents for glass bottles (usually beer)*
    * €1,50 for beer crates (so a full beer crate gives you €3,90 back)

    For cans we don’t have any deposit system, but that will start on January 1st (finally). Which will also be 15 cents.

    * This is not applicable to all beer bottles, only the bottles and brands that use the *common brown* bottles (this includes every pilsner/lager, but also Leffe and LaTrappe).

  17. We segregate the trash but any attempts at making bottle/can buying points somehow didn’t fit. “Whole Gaulle got conquered by Romans. Whole? No! One single village full of brave Gauls stands strong against the invaders.”

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