Me and my GF were thinking about having unprotected sex, which we enjoy a lot more than using condoms. She is not on any birth control. I want to have an idea of how safe it is to have it a couple days before her period, and to possibly finish inside. If I do finish inside, shes okay with taking a Plan B. Though I still kinda nervous about the whole thing.

  1. Don’t be a fool. It’s not worth it for a “30” minutes of fun. She should use some sort of birth control, a diaphragm or spermicide would at least be better…. hell, time ovulation and make sure she’s already ovulated… you can ovulate right before your fucking period!
    And don’t even think about cumming in her full on man. Its just not worth the risk. One fuck up and you guys have a baby. Because she isn’t able to get ahold of the plan b on time and then she doesn’t end up wanting to go through with abortion. I know you think it can’t happen to you or she’d never change her mind…but so did all the other people out there with unwanted children. THINK WITH YOUR TOP HEAD.

  2. Do you want children right now? Because this is how accidental and unwanted pregnancies happen.

    Sperm can live in the body for over a week. Not to mention the time it takes a fertilized egg to travel to the uterus, and there’s other timeframes I won’t bother to go into.

    Pregnancy isn’t something instantaneous. This shit takes time, and neither of you will know right away.

    So unless you’re fully prepared with the consequences that may arise, use a condom at the very least. It only takes a second to put one on.

  3. Use contraception. Seriously use it. Doesn’t have to be condoms, lots of us (girls and guys) prefer condom free sex, but the safe path there is STI test + top tier contraception method (Pill, implant. IUD, Vasectomy).

    Plan B is precisely that, plan B. It’s great, but it is a very heavy dose of hormones that can be a bit emotionally unpleasant. It’s great for when a condom breaks or when a pill is forgotten, but it isn’t a great plan A for regular use.

    Seriously talk to your girlfriend about contraceptive methods, see which ones most appeal and plot a course together, but nope contraceptive free sex is a terrible idea.

  4. This is unbelievably careless. Whether you finish inside or not she needs to be on birth control

  5. Plan B is an emergency contraceptive, not something to be used just so you can have fun the night before. This whole idea is irresponsible and you should seek further education on sex and contraceptives before you even consider having sex again, at present you’re not really responsible enough to be having any sex let alone unprotected sex.

  6. I don’t agree with the other posters. If your girlfriend really knows her cycle, if it’s regular, if she tracks it properly (use an app) and if she uses ovulation strips to confirm she is ovulating at the time the app predicts it, you can mark out a window that is completely unsafe, where she is more likely to get pregnant. Then don’t have unprotected sex in that time ( and leave a couple of safety days on either side just in case). You will also be able to mark out a window that is fairly safe, just before and around the time of her period for example.

    This is not foolproof. And you would need to track a few cycles completely before you could see the pattern. And also mitigate for a cycle becoming irregular because of illness or stress or taking hormonal birth control throwing it off whack. Most people don’t know their cycle in that depth until they get older or are trying to conceive, but I do think it is possible to do.

  7. Horrible idea unless your plan is to have children. Look at other forms of birth control, plan B is for emergencies. I got a vasectomy at 22 and it’s one of the best things I ever did. Thought that doesn’t work for you if you do legitimately want kids some day.

  8. plan b is not birth control, not always effective, messes with her hormones and cycle. just don’t. get birth control or just use condoms unless u wanna be a dad (sperm is in precum too).

  9. The day or two AFTER she finishes her period (or even during it) are the “safe” days. A couple of days BEFORE her period is the most risky time, and most likely for her to become pregnant.

    So… That’s my input.

    We used pull-out method for 8 or so years, with the occasional condom even and some years with hormonal birth controls in place. Babies only showed up when we planned for them.

  10. Just don’t. Birth control or condoms unless you want a kid right now.

    PLAN B IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. It is EMERGENCY contraception and has serious side effects, and can really fuck up your hormones. Also, it’s not always effective!!

    Do not do it. Pull out is unreliable at best. Finishing inside is almost a guarantee to become a parent.

    Have her ask her gyno about the copper iud. It’s non hormonal and probably the easiest birth control to get and have.

    It is NEVER safe to have unprotected sex ESPECIALLY if you finish inside.

    And to emphasize even more, the FIRST time my partner and I had unprotected sex I got pregnant with TWINS. And we **wanted** to get pregnant.

  11. Plan B won’t work if she’s ovulating.

    really the only way to know she’s not ovulating for sure if to use ovulation test strips, a basal body thermometer and a temperature/discharge/menstrual cycle tracking calendar.

    so say she takes plan B and it works, well now you’ve delayed her ovulation. so maybe you want to have sex a week later, thinking her period is coming soon. she could be ovulating then.

    it’s way too tricky and risky, in my opinion. but the risk is lower if you have unprotected sex while she’s on her period.

    you could always try the female condom next time. see if you like that sensation better.

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