What is your job? And do you think a woman could do the same job as good as you?

  1. I work in Information Technology doing systems administration and a little application development on the side. Yes, there’s no good reason why women couldn’t do this job just as well as I could, and it’s weird that there aren’t that many women in this career field.

  2. Well, I’m a stay-at-home dad, so, yeah, I think there are a lot of women who do that job just fine.

    Before that I was the general start-up guy for an experimental longevity science lab. And I think I did the job a lot better than most people could, but that didn’t have anything to do with my muscles or my penis. So, yeah, there are women who could do it as well as me.

  3. Railroad conductor/ laborer. Yes for sure but she might have to be a big or really strong girl it’s freight not riding with passengers.

  4. I’m a factory technician. There are plenty of women at the same company who do the same job as me. There are women there who have been there longer than me, and definitely do their job better than me.

  5. I work in a warehouse (summer job). Really physically demanding, backbreaking and laborious job for even the big dudes here

    To answer you OP, I’d say she would be rather the same as me I guess

  6. I help people fix things. Could a woman do it, sure. Could most women do it… no. But then again most men couldn’t do it either.

  7. Corporate Finance – yes, why not.

    There is nothing preventing women from being equally good – only a lot of distractions some fall and different choices some may make that I cannot due to how society or biology made male gender to be.

  8. Currently in school getting a professional degree, and more than 50% of the class are women, so yea.

  9. I’m a finance executive and I’m *really* good at my job. Very few people could do my job as well as I do. But, of the people I’ve worked with, there are more women than men than I’d entrust my job to.

  10. I am a clerk/paralegal. Lots of women work the same job as me and do very well if not better.

  11. I’m a niche tool manufacturer. My clients in sandland would never do business with a woman so no a woman can’t do “my job” at all let alone as well. In a lot of the other places it’s just a good way for a woman to get murdered.

    The demos and field fitting is too much for what 99% of women. We’d need that .1% of women as strong as the average man and then she would need some engineering or at least service background.

  12. Product owner and sure, it takes a certain mix of interests, skills and viewpoints but my dick doesn’t make me any better at it. They’d do it a bit differently, I’m sure, but so would another dude.

  13. Pizza shef
    Sure they could. I learned from both men and women and I’ve seen both men and women who did shit jobs at it.

  14. Computer engineering. I’ve met women who could do my job as well or better than me.

  15. Truck driver. Yes. One of my friends has been driving about as long as I’ve been alive. She’s pretty awesome

  16. Electronic maintenance tech in the army. And yes. If anything, women tend to be smaller than men which is an advantage while crawling around in a tank.

  17. Data scientist. My favorite boss was a woman with an amazing amount of knowledge in the field and an insane work ethic. Still look up to her. So, yes, women can definitely do the job as well as me.

  18. Tire fitter (Car tire shop)
    99% of the job yes,
    Some things require fair bit of strength, and some things height is notable advantage. (on storage side)
    But I’d say anyone who’s physically in good condition, and have some strength could do it.
    Previous job as driver for delivery company.
    There were some really heavy pallets that one needed to move with palletjack(? Not sure about real English name, essentially forklift that only raises couple inches, and has no motors.)
    I had to throw my not insignificant weight around to move those pallets. but other than that, I’d say most people no matter the gender could do it.

  19. I’m a nurse. In 20 years, I’ve only worked with other guys for 1 year. Women can handle it.

  20. Construction. I’ve seen women try. They usually last less than a week. Seem not to be built for 60 hour weeks of manual labor. 1 or 2 out of a 100 stay in the field id say. And I’m just a telecom guy, one of the least physically demanding trades.

    And our company is pretty tough on the diversity and inclusion front. So that’s not the reason

  21. Water and waste water systems automation. As long as they’re not afraid of heights. I’ve never used my penis in my job.

  22. I weigh and mix chemicals. Women couldn’t be able to do the same job as good as me for obvious reasons ;

    – Most jobs I’ve been in, including this one, were too physical for women and didn’t employ them as a result. The strength/height requirements and injury risks are already tough for men and women simply can’t do it + want nothing to do with it. Guess they only ask for equality when it fits them or when the job is piss easy.

    – This job especially involves chemicals that are extremely dangerous for anyone, but on top of the universal risks (cancer, suffocation, intoxication, skin corrosion etc) there are unique risks that have to do with the female reproductive system and heightened chance of infertility I guess, meaning they’re completely forbidden from going near the stuff even with protective gear.

  23. Unemployed and yes, I think women can be as good at being unemployed as me, I know a few who are.

  24. Marketing manger, and 100%. Our CMO is a women and she’s probably making 3-4x my salary

  25. I mix paint and give advice on it.

    Few women in my industry, the ones who are tend to know their shit more than the men.

    Yet the idiots we serve seem to think home improvement is still a “man thing”

  26. I’m a merchandiser part time and I think a woman would have no problem doing it.

  27. Legal and management consultant and yes, there are a lot of ladies out there who knows their stuff as well as I know mine.

  28. Heavy truck mechanic. Yes a woman can do it and she can do it just as well as long as she is strong or has good technique almost everything is heavy

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