
The average individual today spends around 7 hours a day on the internet with almost 3 of those hours spent on social media. The latest figures suggest that by the end of this year alone we will have spent upwards of 12½ trillion hours online. The effects of a society that’s terminally online are starting to show. Debate and discussion are dead replaced with twitter threads. Political discourse reads like a Reddit forum. In a world with information available at our fingertips the average person is becoming more and more uninformed. This begs the question, is social media making us dumber?

1 comment
  1. i believe so, yes.

    It’s making us socially awkward, at best.

    I work with a lot of young adults (18-20 year olds). The amount of them who have social anxiety and don’t want to go out in public is high enough in the past couple years (in sync with the pandemic) that it is worrisome. Nowadays, you don’t need to work on your social anxiety to have a good portion of your needs met. Social media is a blessing in disguise for those who struggle socially.

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