So, this may be long, but I’ll do my best to explain as short as I can.

I’ve had a rough life, but one that has been full of wonder & adventure. Pain & lessons learned.
I have chosen to live my life in pursuit of happiness & wisdom. Doing the right thing even if it’s going to hurt me. Because right is right, and I want to be the kind of man a woman deserves, one who will never do the stupid fuck ups that guys do aaallll the time in society like cheat, lie, or abuse.

I spent a lot of time learning philosophy, religions, psychology, the human condition, some Quantum’s theoretical mechanics, societal conditionings & other sorts of topics like these. I wanted to *Really* learn about what it means to be alive and to truly live in this world. I grew tired of seeing life so monotonous and vague… but, since reaching this “place” or “perception” in life. I find myself becoming very misunderstood quite often in life because of this.

I chose to be alone for many years now while I worked on myself inside to heal from my various trauma Ive experienced in life.. I learned a long time ago that I can not truly love someone else or be there for them if I did not first learn to love myself and heal inside.
So I spent about the past 6 years, alone, turning down Sex or relationships that would arise every now and then (which hasn’t been easy sometimes mind you, lol) because I wanted to become something more in life, something deeper, something true & real that, seems to be missing a lot in the world.

I still have a ways to go, but I’ve healed a lot inside.. I escaped a heroin addiction a few years ago, got clean, I trust myself nowadays and know with all my being I won’t ever go back to drugs, my health is Very Good, I’m writing a book about my experiences in life, lessons I’ve learned, things people experience but never really talk about with eachother, or life and death, good & evil, the state and conditions of societal life, trying to learn to love someone new or meet people when everyone has traumas or walls put up as defense mechanisms, ya know just a wide variety of different topics and life lessons or experiences, I also play my Guitar daily and write music,

but I don’t have a job right now.. honestly the only thing I have going for me is my soul & mind (and maybe the lower part of my body >.>). But While I’m currently lacking a job, and living at home with my mom in Seattle, I look pathetic on the outside, and my guess is that’s a huge turn off for a woman.

But what would you rather have more? A man who’s working on himself? Or a man with money and is already financially secure? Would you trade the soul of love for a man with security?
Or wait for the man with love to become something that he’s working towards?

I met a girl a couple weeks ago, and she is wise, she is smart. She’s funny, and the energy she gives off radiates that of peace inside.. which is interesting to me because she has been through ALOT of hardships in her life, and she’s never had what I’ve had when it comes to Love.. she’s never had a guy who treats her right. So I’m a weird ignorant way, she doesn’t really know what she’s missing out on in life when it comes to have a “true & real” romantic possibility. She’s been alone for a couple years now, since she got out of her abusive ex husband marriage.. the way we met tho, was kind of divine Imo.. when I go to the beach here in shoreline right by my house, I always try to be alone… 6 years of no friends or girlfriends… and somehow she found me in the woods here, where I spend time daily for hours everyday writing my book & playing my music without ever seeing a soul walk by me daily.. she walked by, and 20 min later came back and started talking to me. And we talked for hours, and the next day we talked for hours, and then again the next day lol.

A few days ago she wanted me to stay the night, but I politely declined, and I told her the truth. Everything I just said in this post, (but with more detail. Afterall We *did* spend hours each day talking). And I could easily tell she didn’t like that I wanted to wait on having sex, she knew it was the right thing to do; but neither of us still liked it, lol.. but, 3 days ago , we went from texting all day and hanging out,

To almost nothing. No interactions or anything, and if there is texting, it’s just quick easy replies from both of us… and I have no idea why.

To me it’s 1 of 2 things, either I randomly said something stupid in a text, or she’s just talking to someone else.

Either way, I’m just gonna keep focusing on myself in life and work towards my true potential more and let nothing hold me back.

But, I am still curious intellectually speaking, on what might have happened.

Woman of Reddit, What have been your personal reasons/experiences for you deciding on an abrupt ending? And why did you choose to not let the other person know you’re ending it? (Ghosting).

  1. She asked you to spend the night. You declined. She feels rejected so she’s pulling away before she gets more attached and more hurt.

    It’s not any deeper than that.

    You’re saying neither of you liked it.

    She’s thinking you don’t find her attractive and aren’t interested in a relationship. If that’s not true, it’s up to you to convey those things to her.

  2. Pretend I’m Morpheus, which one you chose? To continue to fool yourself so you feel some dopamine rush in the sea of misery, or to see things for what they are, they aren’t pretty at first but when you get why are they that way they become logical and even beautiful in the sense of nature, but that takes time? Write it down please.

  3. There’s a difference between being at peace with yourself and being full of yourself. Just be careful to be on the right side of the line.

    You don’t say your age, but are you actively trying to get a job?

    You are not interested in casual relationship. Majority of women will not be interested in a long term relationship with a man who is unemployed and whom they may have to support financially.

    Romantic notions of love fall flat when a couple is faced with constant financial struggle.

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