if you do it, how do you do it? I heard its bad for your mental health, but why exactly? For me its mostly random.. sometimes I do it everyday, sometimes I have a few days or weeks off.

So yeah, what are your thoughts about it? (I have a gf of two years, but we dont live together yet, so our sex life is not that popular (yet?)… For me, I would like to have it more, but she has a different perspective on it and I respect that, so I dont mind waiting, because when we are together we have a lot of other stuff to do.)

  1. I had recently been chatting with a 20ish Muslim women and she is having a major meltdown do to her addiction to porn. Porn is majorly forbidden in the Islamic faith. I guess she has been watching porn for many, many years as an aid to masturbation, to the point now that she cannot achieve orgasm without it. Moreover, over time she is craving more and more extreme porn to satiate herself. IMO she should seek professional help, but sadly I seriously doubt that is in the cards for her.

  2. I catch myself watching more extreme stuff because I get used to it.
    Also the orgasm with porn is not as intense. For me I am always waiting on the perfect shot and with my imagination it’s just better.
    But watching porn is easier I guess.
    I would love to hear, how a relationship can change if you stop watching porn.
    I guess my bf watches it so it is faster to finish

  3. No, you don’t have to stop watching porn. If you choose to take a break from it, that’s totally up to you. It can be beneficial for some men to step entirely away from erotic materials when conquering other sexual concerns.

    If you don’t want to give up porn, try an alternative that can keep porn in the rotation, and help you redefine your relationship with this kind of material:

    Don’t touch yourself while you watch porn. Soak up the images, savor it, get crazy turned on. Then, turn off the device, go to another room, and replay the images in your mind while you masturbate. This [allows you to tune more into the sensations in your penis](https://366sexhacks.wordpress.com/2022/08/01/powerful-male/), without distraction from all the input to your eyes.

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