cultural question I guess..

In movies there are girls who move their feet to touch a boy’s feet under the table to show their attraction I guess. Like, touching his ankle or shin with her toes.

Does this actually happen irl? Is it normal? I would think it in a very slutty way.

The most recent scene I remember is in the Stranger Things S4. A highschool teenage girl does this to Will.

  1. It’s called “footsie” and it does not happen in real life as it’s shown on screen. It only happens in movies and tv shows to show the viewer something that the other characters in the scene can’t see.

  2. It’s definitely normal to play footsie, as we call it. It can be flirty with your crush or your romantic partner. Or sometimes I’ll accidentally hit my mother’s foot or leg under the table for example and she’ll claim I’m playing footsie with her.

    Slutty, no absolutely not. Just a little playful thing.

  3. Yes, it is classic teenage girl game, but it doesn’t happen like in the movies. They don’t stroke up and down with their foot and make eyes contact, it’s gonna be more of a brush against your leg.
    **Plausible deniability must be maintained!** Teenage girls operate on one principle: get him to notice you. The rest is on him. They want to attract his attention, without laying their cards in the table. The casual foot-brush is perfect in this capacity because it could easily be accidental, but teenage boys are so hair-trigger excitable that any touch from a cute girl, no matter how incidental, sends an electric shock through them and sets off a whirling storm of thoughts in their brains. Hell, she doesn’t even really have to be that cute.

  4. I remember it happening to me when I was in 8th grade, but it was my Spanish teacher instead of a classmate. Lots of girls expressed interest in other ways but apart from that one experience I’ve only seen it on movies.

  5. It is normal and considered a playful and occasionally flirty thing to do if done to someone of the opposite gender.

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