I (29F) am considering moving back to my family home for two or three months to save a bit of money before moving into a new place. I recently took a cut in salary after making a career change, and though I’m expecting to be promoted in less than a year, I’m having to deal with a reduced salary at the moment. My parents live about an hour away and it would be easy for me to commute into work from there.

The problem is that I’m currently on the dating scene. I’m worried that this could be a turn off to potential partners. It would only be a temporary situation, but I am worried this could have an impact on how I am viewed by guys.

Perhaps I’m overthinking this, but wanted to get some honest opinions about this and how you might regard a woman who was living back in her family home for a while?

  1. Time’s are hard people need to get the over it people always tell me shit why i live with my parents until they come to my house and they start talking about how good is it its a 3 floor building my parents live in the ground floor and i got 2 floors by myself why the hell should i go rent a hole to live in when i got this mansion of a house.
    I plus i don’t mind it at all we get along

  2. You are indeed overthinking this. It might sound dismissive to simply say “You’re a woman, it’ll be fine” but that’s really how it is. If you were a guy, I’d say don’t even waste your time until you’re back in your own place.

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