What do you think? Do most older, middle aged, and young Americans have a Facebook?

  1. I think most Americans have a face book but the majority don’t use it. Many are those who told to get it 6 years ago and never found a reason to keep using it or those like me who’s company uses FB messenger for communication.

  2. I haven’t actively used Facebook since 2017. At that time nearly everyone I knew had one and was somewhat active. Recently I have been using it for our local town page and I’ve noticed there is a huge reduction of content. Like maybe 5 people still post regularly and my feed is filled with these groups I never joined and shit from people I gave no idea who they are.

    It probably stays popular with my parents generation, but I think FB proper has entered the death spiral with the youth.

  3. I have an abandoned Facebook account. I tried to delete it about three years ago and they made it such a pain I just said screw it. One of my best choices ever.

  4. The only reason I have not deleted my Facebook account is so I can use messenger. I have not looked at my Facebook feed in almost 5 years. To be honest, I could care less what the people I went to high school with had for dinner and I didn’t like most of those douchebags when I was in high school why would I care now 30 years later?

  5. Yes, but lots of millennials have left due to ethical and privacy concerns and it’s not as popular with generation Z.

  6. I have never had one. My thought when it first became popular was that I hated most of the people I went to highschool with when I was in high school, why would I want to interact with them again?

  7. FYI, you can delete FB and still use messenger. My account no longer exists but I still use the messenger for a few people that I only communicate with through there.

  8. I have one that I basically just keep for messenger at this point. Facebook is becoming progressively unusable. My feed is clogged with ads and “recommendations” from pages I have absolutely no interest in. It’s like they’re actively trying to make people leave.

  9. I’m 22 and no I don’t. I think it’s mostly people my parents and grandparents age who still use it

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