They don’t mention trans fats. My husband moved to Canada and was surprised to see it on the labels of all our cheese. He’s very confused. I’m very confused after googling multiple cheese companies in the US and checking the contents and not seeing it there.

  1. The FDA nutrition label has Trans fats as a subset of fat. This is what it will look like.

    Trans fat is listed on the label for cheese as well as every other food product sold in the US with a few exceptions, mainly small time manufacturers or what are known as ready to eat foods. So if you got your cheese from Jim’s cheese shop or a farmers market, no, you might not have a nutrition label, but if you walk into a grocery store or wine and cheese shop and buy a wedge of cheese, it will have a nutrition label.

  2. It is on the USDA required nutritional label

    There is a common example. Cheese does not normally contain trans fats because they do not naturally occur in dairy.

    There are cheese products that contain dairy proteins, whey, and an emulsifier. That includes the type of American cheese you see processed and put in single slice packets (technically it is called cheese food or processed cheese).

    [But even that doesn’t contain trans fat ](

  3. Tell your husband to eat better cheese.

    Trans fat is part of the standard FDA nutritional label. If it’s there, it is labeled.

    Trans fat is created during hydrogenation, which converts liquid vegetable oils into semisolid partially hydrogenated oil. Processed cheese could have trans fat.

    So tell your husband to put down the processed cheese and eat the real stuff.

  4. If there are trans fats in the product, they are *required* to include it on the label. If it’s not there, there’s zero trans fat – which makes sense because it’s *cheese*. Why is Canadian cheese full of trans fats?

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