Atm I’m in a 2 year relationship, which has been amazing. I love commitment and things that come with a relationship, but I’ve failed at sustaining relationships past a certain point. I’m not sure if I lack compatibility or I’m fundamentally unable to commit long term. The thing that prompted me to make this post is that there’s a girl who just slid into my dms yesterday and it felt fresh and interesting, to the point where I’m hesitant to mention I’m dating. I know I’m going to mention it and ik for a fact it’s not going to lead anywhere. But the fact that I didn’t mention it straightaway makes me sad and worried. What’s wrong with me? My gf is absolutely perfect and I feel like I’ve cheated on her in a way.

1 comment
  1. This happens, it’s part of the ups and downs cycle for all couples. Soon there will be a spark again between you two and if will feel fresh again.

    But you should control yourself. Even at the point your at it’s really easy to slip into cheating.

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