what are your thoughts when everyone is so happy except you?

  1. I know that they aren’t as happy as they seem. They just look like they are.

    I’ve known enough people with objectively great lives to know that they’re in a lot of pain and struggling too, plus their great lives don’t stay great forever. That’s the nature of life for everyone.

  2. I would just be happy for everyone around me. Assuming that they’re happiness isn’t reliant on me being unhappy.

  3. Its fake. They are think they are happy but really they are not. they are just masking.

    Everyone struggles and goes through ups and downs.

  4. “If you’re not distraught, then you are happy. And I mean like that like 3 or 4 times in your life, like a family member is gonna die, or something really bad gonna happen, and you’re really devastated. And when you’re distraught, you can’t even talk. You just want to be alone. Those days are coming for all of us. So, until those days come, I’m happy. I’m very binary. Unless I’m in that state, I’m happy. Happiness can be a sliding scale, right? I can be less happy some days than others. But I’m still happy.”

    -*Andrew Tate*

  5. The reality is likely many others aren’t happy either. They are just making it seem that way to you.

  6. Nothing really. I am usually happy when something good happens to others. The key is to realise that others happiness is not the cause of your misery. It’s your problems and whether others are happy or sad won’t affect your problems.

  7. Not really thoughts but if I am THAT unhappy, I am more likely to be reserved/hermitish and not necessarily put myself (outside of work) around other people much.

  8. I had a spine injury in 2016 and have pretty much been unemployed since, collecting bare minimum from government and living at home again. My friends all bought houses, got married, and are setting aside cash into savings while I barely have enough to get by every month. It sucks, but I learned to love it, because I learned to be frugal and now actually do alright with the limited funds I get access to. I also learned that I just have to work that much harder to get what I want, and I overcame struggles that they haven’t, so I’m better equipped for shit like this now. Covid was a perfect example. Everyone struggled with isolation, not working, and worrying about the future, all things I was stuck doing for like 3 years straight with my back, so covid was a walk in the park for me. Now I love seeing my friends happy, and I know my turn to be happy is right around the corner.

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