I may get a few of you say “well why are you here when you aren’t looking to date” and fairly so i juat thought this page could be used to help my situation out.

So i have had this situation quite a few times where i am out with mates having a few pints (i never go out to try pull its always to have a laugh with my mates) and a girl has started chatting to me. After a while she has asked for my number/socials. I have then told them that i am not interested in dating (nothing personal to them, i make that clear) in which they proceed to ask a 2nd time. So i take it in the end. They are nice girls and we get on well most of the time. I am naturally (so have been told) a funny/fun and welcoming person to be around, they then ask me out. I remind them i am not looking to date, we have a laugh and a few weeks after the conversation goes stale or they just stop messaging, or you get the annoying 1 word replies “yes” “maybe” “lol” you get the jist.

I don’t kiss them or try anything further on from that and i have outlined to them i am not interested in dating people. My presumption is they think they can try change that and get annoyed when they can’t. But i don’t want to change who i am and not be funny/fun person to talk to or be around as its one reason why my friends are friends with me. There has been 1 or 2 that have paid off and i have actual friendships but this must of happened a good 10 times over the course of a year and a half. But its starting to actually put me off being around girls (platonic or not).

I guess what i want to know is why does this happen? Am i stupid to be a fun person when out with my mates and not trying to pull? What can i do to stop this in the future because it ends up being stressful? I have used lines in the past when receiving the question that its always nice to make new friends, is this wrong also?

  1. If you don’t want to date, why should you?

    Just be strong in your position, when a girl ask you for you number, just decline politely and remind you’re not there to hook up.

    There’s nothing wrong with you, but dont give false hope to people, if you don’t want to date, don’t give your number or social media to any girls, be clear in your position, hope this helps

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