So I’m finishing my summer job this Friday, it’s a big team like about 70 people. While working there I met a girl my age, a colleague, and she’s absolutely stunning. We also really got along, she’s by far my favourite colleague and I know she appreciates me, she told me so and I can see she’s looking for me often on mornings or during the day, and we’re often texting on our professional chat software (non work related stuff).
I was planning to ask for her contact but on the last day because I didn’t want to make things awkward as colleagues and it’s a rule of mine to never try anything with a coworker.

Today I saw her again, we spent a break together, chatting as usual and she told me she’d have to tell me goodbye tomorrow because she won’t be working for the rest of week so I said ok let’s do this. Then I went home only to realise tomorrow is my day off so I won’t see her again.

Either I own it and get over it or I could send something on that chat software she could see the next day but that’d be god awkward if she isn’t actually looking to link up. Idk what to do.

  1. You could simply send your LinkedIn profile,
    With something like may I add you to my LinkedIn profile as former business associate.

    If she says yes there is an integrated chat function in that program and you could simply ask if she felt contact was inappropriate through that.

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