ok reddit world tell me what you think.
we’ve been having sex for over a month now, texts all the time (dirty and clean) but we never talk about feelings.
so next time, after we finish, i want to ask him something along the lines of “how do you do this (sex) without having feelings.” good?
I do want him to know i have feelings for him, but don’t want to scare him off either?
he’s an older gentleman (40’s- so not a youngster hahaha)

appreciate your advise or tips

  1. Are you FWB? I’m confused why you would ask that otherwise. I would ask him, not after having sex, what he’s looking for and if he’s interested in you. If you have feelings for him let him know. The question you have sounds like a game, not straight forwards and could even make him think that all you want is sex without feelings.

  2. Rule of thumb is not to ask important questions or set boundaries in or around sexy time. Imo, it’s a bit rude to spring a question like this just after sex. Give him a neutral time and place.

  3. Just casually asking shouldnt scare him off. Just don’t be a freak like me and uncontrollably blirt out “I fucking love Yu” soon as he finished inside of yu lol. My guy isn’t all that yung either, 36, I’m 20. But to my relief and surprise he actually said it back ! Best mistake I ever made lol. But risky I wouldt recommend it. Just casually bring up the topic of feelings after, would be my suggestion

  4. Doesn’t matter 🤷‍♂️ do or don’t more than likely will change nothing either way

  5. Much better to ask the question at a neutral time and place, not straight after sex. Also, and very importantly: If you’re going to ask someone a question, make sure you really want to know their honest answer. If you act on your desire to ask him, remember that actions have consequences. Think about what your reaction will be to all of the possible answers, and make sure you’re prepared to deal with what you hear. If he says he has feelings for you, what next? If he doesn’t, what next? If he’s non-committal, what next?

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