I am a young male in toronto and I honestly give up. I have no idea what to do going forward. I have dated but every time it ends by the one month mark, with either party losing interest. I am very picky with the guys I go for, I have tried to open up but it just doesn’t go anywhere. More recently I have attempted dating since April but haven’t been able to land a date that interests me enough, and after 2 years Of on and off attempts and more recently since April I have lost hope. Has anyone been in this scenario before? What have you done to make yourself feel better? At the moment I go to the gym a lot so that could be a possible alternate, dating myself lol.


  1. Just give up dating for a while! Do things that bring you joy. Either you unexpectically meet someone or one day you really want to date again. Nothing ever came from being frustrated in dating.

  2. Figure out what you could be doing wrong because in reality dating IS NOT difficult, people make it difficult based off their actions, mindset, behaviour.

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