She asked me out to go to the city with her to run some errands and get to know each other at the same time. We got to know about why we chose our majors, stuff our background, religion, etc. She made jokes, noticed how I color coordinated my outfit, and smiled at me often. I made sure to do the same.

I admit I was awkward and stumbled over my words and repeated a few questions so I am worried I may have messed up. After we both left she texted back first, and I told her that I was sorry for being awkward but had a really nice time with her. She said she did as well and that it was all good. Am I in the clear?

  1. All first dates are awkward and we all wonder afterwards if we did something to embarass ourselves. If she seemed to genuinely be having a good time and she texted first afterwards I’d say you’re good lol

  2. Yes dude stop overthinking it. If she texted back first and said she had a good time you’re def fine

  3. Be more confident. Worse case scenario things go no where and u move on. Ask her on a second date if she’s down for that then the first went well.

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