Basically today my dad asked me if I was gay because I never had a girlfriend and he’s only seen me hangout with boys. I told him I wasn’t gay, he then starts to say “I don’t care if you are I just want to know” and when I tell him again that I’m not gay he says I act like I’m gay. At the end of the conversation I could tell he was still convinced that I’m gay. How do I convince my dad that I’m not gay

  1. You don’t. It doesn’t matter what people think your sexuality is Hun. Just keep doing what makes you happy.

  2. Tell him it isn’t any of his concern either way. You’ve already given him the answer, and he can take it or leave it.

  3. It’s fine if you don’t have a GF at 18, that is completely normal. Your Dad’s a dick and I’m sorry. Just go about your life, the worst thing you can do is to focus & expend effort trying to convince him otherwise.

  4. Tell him your not gay but your boyfriend is.
    Just Kidding….. interesting that he gives it that much thought. Do whatever makes you happy and pleasing or worrying about other peoples notions of what they think of you is a waste of time…

  5. Just tell him that when you’re ready to date, you’ll let him know for safety reasons, but other than that your sexual interests are none of his business. Whether he believes you or not is his business, but he definitely shouldn’t be pushing the issue.

  6. Is he divorced and remarried? You could take a page from PornHub and get help from Stepmom or Stepsister to convince him. Short if that, I think you need to distance yourself from him some.

  7. Ask him precisely what he means when he says “you act like you’re gay”?? Sounds like he’s just subscribing to stereotypes..

  8. Next time he asks just say “why, do you have some single guy friends or something?”

    That’ll shut him up quick.

  9. What difference does it make? He is telling you that he loves and supports you no matter who you love. This is not the negative thing that you seem intent on making it.

  10. Just have him walk in while you are screwing a girl on the couch.

    Jk jk

    Honestly, I’d try to find a way to not let it bother you. He may just shut up if you do ever get a girlfriend you are comfortable bringing around your family. As for how to do that I’m sure the others in the comments will be more helpful, because I know ignoring those comments can be a pain in the ass.

  11. he thinks you’re gay because “he’s only seen [you] hang out with boys”? stereotypically, isn’t it the other way around? he can’t even be homophobic correctly

  12. Your dad sounds snotty, also sounds like he is projecting . Ask your dad if he is gay, when he says no tell him you don’t believe him due to his persistence on not believing you and your belief that he is projecting .
    Maybe he will attack ¯_(ツ)_/¯, fight him back. Call him a few slurs too. The outcome of the altercation won’t matter, he will no longer outwardly accuse you of being queer.

  13. I am the first female (33) my bf ever lived with or was with longer than a year.

    He’s 36, tall, gorgeous, and was accused of being gay for being picky.

    The man is not almost gay ( nothing wrong with it tho)

    Do what you want and who cares if someone makes dumb assumptions 🙂 even ur dad.

  14. Tell him if he wants you to prove it, have him hire an escort for you as a birthday gift. Tell him you are focused on yourself, and your future and don’t need the hassle a relationship will mess with it. Tell him if he still isn’t convinced to look at your search history.

  15. I think the comment section is too hard on your dad. He might be worried your in the closet and wants you to come out so you can be happier.

    It’s a bit stupid that he’s pressing you about it, especially if you were gay.

    BTW: If you don’t have a girlfriend but would like one, you should do something about it, e.g. start hanging out with girls, also.

  16. Don’t say anything. For the longest time my family thought I was a lesbian. I’m not. I just ignored the comments I told my mom i happy that she’ll love me no matter what and just left it alone.

  17. Rule in life: you can’t control what others think. Do not try to.

    Let him think whatever he wants. I would warn any ladies you date that your dad has the notion you are gay. This might prompt the lady to go into a very heavy make out session with you. Win-win

  18. Don’t bother. Your sexuality is no one else’s business. It’s nice that he’ll support you either way but you don’t have to convince anyone of anything. Also, saying you “act gay” is textbook toxic masculinity all our dad’s generation grew up with and why they’re all super repressed and unable to talk about their feelings. That’s a him problem, not a you problem. Just live your life and don’t worry about it.

  19. Full on penetrative sex with a woman in front of him.

    Protip: Don’t break eye-contact to establish dominance.

  20. so when I was 17 I had this same issue. I solved it by getting caught having sex with a girl in my room…

  21. Just say to him “if it doesn’t matter to you if I’m gay then why can’t you accept that I’m not? You are pushing me for an answer that you want to hear to explain why I am the way I am and you not believing me shows me that you don’t accept me as being myself”.

    It’s very strange that he wouldnt believe you. So does he just expect you to be chasing girls around 24/7?

    Just say that it’s not at the forefront of your mind and you are just enjoying being you and if he doesn’t accept that then he can mind his own business.

  22. Once in a while you find parents that are too involved in their children’s lives, often because they seem to be living out their own lives through their children.

    It’s not fair to you to be subjected to that. And it’s really unfortunate that your father doesn’t realize that it’s perfectly normal for 18 year olds to be single. Was he in a long-term relationship when he was 18?

    You should just tune this whole thing out. Don’t let him bother you.

  23. If it were me, I’d probably do all kinds of shit just to confuse him. You can express yourself however you want to and don’t have to explain it to anybody.

  24. Ask him if he is gay and tell him he acts gay will it prove you aren’t gay no but it will be funny

  25. It is not your place to convince anyone of anything. It is your place to live as your authentic self, whether that is straight, gay, bi, trans, or any other “non-conforming” gender or sexuality. At 18 you should be more concerned with education, figuring out who you are and who you want to be, and learning to be a good person. If your dad questions you again, simply state “dad, I don’t have life all figured out yet. When I do, you’ll be the first to know” and then change the subject.

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