What can a woman do to make you more interested in her?

  1. Not needing a man. (Be independent)

    For me I don’t need a woman. I am independent and can function just fine without one. I have found someone amazing and WANT to spend my life with her. That is a huge difference.

  2. Take care of the dude , most dudes would fall for that girl eventually , have you not seen Jerry maguire film

  3. Nothing. If I am not already interested, I can’t think of a single thing that could change that.

  4. Honestly, give me a (correct) controversial opinion that you stand by. Such as “rap music is garbage” or “people involved in dogfighting deserve to have their scrotum sandpaper-ed off”. Just show me you’re not trying to be *everyone’s* cup of tea.

  5. Be feminine. I don’t care how gorgeous a woman is, if she’s one of those “I don’t need a man” types with masculine energy, she has no shot with me.

  6. Be interested in learning more about me, not just using me for company, validation, money, food, everything.

  7. Make time for me, even in small ways. A lady took me for lunch a while back and I still smile when I walk past the restaurant.

    Otherwise, taking initiative and reaching out. I like “leading” but I’m not always up for the chase, and these are the kinds of things that make me feel valued and remind me that it’s not one-sided

  8. No hints.

    No jokes.

    Just come out and say it.

    He’s either be receptive or reject you but at least it will get resolved and then you can move on either way.

  9. Be attractive (which is a much wider spectrum for women than for men), be respectful (no verbal aggression, appreciative of effort), be enjoyable to be around (social skills and the rest is up to your individual traits) and be cooperative rather than competitive (so life becomes easier with you rather than harder; nobody would want to invite a constant BS test into their life for the long term)

  10. Dude, I genuinely develop feelings if a girl even acknowledges my existence. One girl at work just says hi to me a lot, says i do a good job and stuff, and I honestly have to admit I kind of like her for it. Just be genuine and nice to a dude and he will at least notice you. And stuff like giving genuine non-flirty comments. Just say that his hair looks nice or smth, he will notice

  11. Don’t be afraid to let me do my own thing from time to time. As well as not being afraid to do your own thing as well, don’t have to be attached at the hip.

  12. Dont play stupid to stroke our ego it doesnt work or help most of the time we will just think your annoying

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