Whenever we sext or when we’re together, she wants us to be doing foreplay for quite a while usually, and it’s usually me turning her on, whether I’m doing most of the talking or touching her or eating her out or whatever it is. She’s very actively said she doesn’t want to have sex yet but she doesn’t mind oral or handjobs and stuff like that. We haven’t been together for very long, only about six months now, and I’ve got a lot more sexual experience than her, so I ask her what she likes and if she doesn’t know then I’ll try different things and ask her what she liked afterwards. It seems like she enjoys it during but she’ll want that all to go on for two or three or sometimes even four hours, and throughout most this time she’ll only occasionally kiss me, or touch me, before she tells me to get back to doing whatever it was I was doing. I’ve tried to encourage her to do more, or for foreplay to not last as long, because I struggle to keep going or to even stay aroused for that long while not receiving that much.

  1. It isn’t reasonable if you’re not enjoying it and she’s making you do all the work, no. You need to have a kind but honest talk with her.

  2. Sounds like a pillow princess. 4 hours seems a bit much. Have a good talk and hey you two might not be right for each other.

  3. I (31m) enjoy giving pleasure and long foreplay… but 4 hours each time and you’re the only one giving? Sounds absurdly unreasonable

  4. Super unreasonable. 4 hours (!) of foreplay every time will make sex next to impossible for anyone with a life. You have to be unemployed and in assisted living to sustain that.

  5. Honestly you are enabling a pillow princess. Have a real talk with her and tell her that frankly she is boring. Tell her she has been a selfish and boring lover so far. Ask her is she really wants to fix that or if you should move on.

    Being polite to greedy lovers is never a good strategy.

  6. I think anything after an hour and a half you should be paid for. 4 hours is insane. Not sure there’s anything I would want to do for that amount of time

  7. Foreplay is a two-way street, if she’s not spending time on you then it’s not foreplay, it’s you playing with her.

    Make sure you’re both pleasuring each other! ♥️

  8. You know that’s good to have a partner, I never get compliments from a girl, the only words is nice


    edit: maybe it’s not the time yet

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