And why are they your role model?

  1. My grandpa. Was kind, had integrity, worked hard and took everything life threw at him with a positive attitude. He died when I was 28, and despite a shitty pre wartime childhood, rough cards during the war as a teenager and painful afflictions from his 40s, more trips to the hospital and surgeries than I can remember, cancer and being near wheelchair bound for the past 15 years of his life, I have honestly and quite literally not heard him complain about his lot in life once. He was a better man than I am, that’s for damn sure.

  2. No one. I have anti-models, but no models. Anti-models are people you don’t want to be like (or specific traits you don’t want to have). I have a lot of anti-models, but no model.

  3. Athlete: Frank Thomas

    Personally: My HS business teacher. I still keep up with him 20+ years later. He’s responsible for my development and success.

  4. Me, because I’ve never had a role model and managed to mold myself into a fairly functional and decent person despite my traumatic childhood.

  5. My father because he’s the only one who didn’t lie to me about what it takes to be a man. When teachers and media told me to be vulnerable and expressive, my father taught me about being strong, competitive, calculated, disciplined, and in control.

    He is also my anti-role model. An angry, volatile, impatient person. I aim to be calm in the eye of the hurricane.

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