What would you do if you came home to your SO having a meowing contest with your cat?

  1. Well it’s our son’s cat so I would think “just another random moment walking in on grandpa and cat.”

  2. Be concerned, we don’t have a cat. He doesn’t like them and I’m allergic and also don’t like them.

  3. Ask him who is winning?

    We have a dog and we’ve caught each other having full conversations and singing with her.

  4. Laugh, kiss them both of their cute lil noses, and tell them just how cute they are

  5. I have a cat but not a boyfriend. If I were dating someone or married and I came home to them meowing together I would probably think it’s cute. At least my cat likes him. Which if the cat likes him then I think that’s a good sign.

  6. I have conversations with my cat all the time.
    He’s a Siamese so he can be very vocal at times, especially surrounding feeding.
    He meows, I meow back. Or just talk to him
    In general.

  7. My husband does it every morning while he gets ready/dressed for work. Picture a 6 foot bearded “burley” man meowing at a cat while he puts his pants on (the human, not the cat. We don’t put pants on our cats). Not to mention, it’s with our male “tough” cat. It’s like they’re having a “man chat” every morning lmao. I discovered it on accident one morning when I forgot something upstairs before I left for work. It’s absolutely ridiculous and I die laughing every time I catch it.

  8. I would think nothing of it aside from, “Ah yes, a normal day with the man I love and the cat I adore.” And then go over and give him a hug and kiss. 🙂 My bf loves animals and is so sweet and caring with them. One of the things I love the very most about him.

  9. He already does it all the time. He meows at me too sometimes when he wants attention.

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