Genuine question. I feel like I’m broken for being not as sexual as others that I meet. It’s been a bit of a deal breaker with some dating.

  1. For the same reason some people aren’t as sexual.

    You aren’t “broken” and neither are they. Everyone is different, and everyone’s libidos differ.

    It’s perfectly normal for sexual incompatibility to be a dating dealbreaker. They just aren’t the right partners for you.

  2. You aren’t broken. I go in spells and can absolutely not care about it one bit for long stretches and then hit a streak where I can barely function in life. I’ve had friends who had low drives and others that had high drives. Honestly our culture at large can push a lot of expectations, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal for anyone.

  3. Low, Medium, and High libidos are commonly discussed. They’re a major source of relationship incompatibility and by extension relationship problems.

    Plus libido isn’t a static metric, it can either decline or increase with age/health. That can introduced incompatibility where none existed before.

    People are, in my opinion, completely entitled to have an opinion on their potential long term partner’s sex drive/libido. Just trying to ignore it, and then being unhappy later isn’t a recipe for a healthy marriage.

    I’d suggest you look for someone with a similar libido to yourself. Try to be honest with new potential partners, so they can self-select out if need-be (saves time/turmoil).

  4. Neurotransmitters. If you have more Dopamine you are horny. If you have more serotonin you are less horny. Everyone that takes SSRIs gets less horny. Everyone that takes adderall is DTF.

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