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  1. Someone with really good social skills is able to kind of “pull other people in”. A sign of this is an individuals feet— if they are pointed towards you when you’re speaking to them that means they are generally interested in you and what you are saying. On the opposite end, if someone feet are pointed away from you while you’re speaking to them, then that usually means they are not invested in the conversation and are trying to make an exit.

    Subtle sign: Feet of person you are talking to are pointed towards you, not away.

  2. a name tag on your suit. its a sign with your name. and its subtle.


    reading the room

  3. You’re able to read micro expressions on their face and can often notice their emotional stare without any words

  4. Friends come to you more than once about the best way to solve an interpersonal problem.

  5. Some signs that you have good social skills are that you are a good listener, you are able to read other people’s emotions, and you are good at making conversation. You might also find that you are good at networking and building relationships.

  6. People come to you for advice about friiendships/relationships.

    People you knew from years ago hit you up to reconnect.

    If you have a friend group, people message you to set up a group meetup.

    You go to parties and bars and find yourself in deep conversations with strangers.

    People light up when you enter the room.

    People you know you want to be near you, sit near you, etc.

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