So we’ve been on 4 dates and starting sleeping together on the second. We haven’t had the whole “what do you want” talk so I can’t really tell if he’s just in this for sex or not. I really like him and the great sex is a cherry on top. But I’m having surgery to get rid of a huge (painless) bartholin cyst and revise some scar tissue on my labia from a trauma incident a couple of years back. Which means no sex for at least 4-6 weeks. So without ruining any and all sex appeal by saying “I’m getting my broken, mangled hooha fixed” how do I tell him he’s only getting blowjobs for a month and can’t touch me down there? Like is that a good enough consolation prize?

  1. Just be honest and tell him.

    beat around the bush a little.

    If he pushes the matter tell him the full truth.

  2. Instead of telling him that he can’t have sex for no reason.

    Tell him that you will have a surgery, and won’t be able to have sex.

    I mean, any reasonable person should understand these things.

  3. >So without ruining any and all sex appeal by saying “I’m getting my broken, mangled hooha fixed” how do I tell him he’s only getting blowjobs for a month and can’t touch me down there?

    It’s actually better to tell him about the surgery. And blowjobs and handjobs are absolutely a great consolation prize.

  4. ‘Listen, boi, for I have an announcement to make.

    There won’t be any fockery for the next 4 – 6 weeks, doctor’s orders.

    I might be down letting you push that titanoboa of yours into mi small, innocent mouth once in a while, or every time….depending how good a boi you are’. *flash him your best innocent, dirty, feminine smile*

  5. Honestly is key. Tell him straight up…it’s important when your dating somebody. If a girl that I really was into told me this i wouldnt even sweat it because that amount of time goes faster than you think

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