[Serious] Men what’s your game when you meet a girl you like ?

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  2. i treat her like a regular, normal person.

    respect, keeping the conversation light, respecting personal space, not making demands or asking suspicious personal questions, not taking up a lot of her time, just being friendly and brief.

    re: treating her with the same basic respect everyone else deserves.

    ofc, i’ve also been married for 20+ years, so it doesn’t really matter anyway 😀

  3. If it’s a girl I see as wife material I normally freeze up and turn into a dunce so no game there.

  4. I hit her up and be like “Girl, you so fine, if you are a booger, I’d pick you first.”

  5. I keep it real and be honest with her. If she can’t handle honesty then she’s not the one for me.

  6. First I get light-headed. Then all the blood rushes to my heart and I got pale and clammy. That of course brings on the parasympathetic tremors. Still a mystery to me that I’ve managed to get laid as many times I have. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  7. “Meet” like I’m introduced to her at a party or in some other social setting?

    The key is to chat with them a bit, and just as they begin to relax and enjoy themselves in the conversation, you make an excuse to have to leave, that leaves them feeling like they didn’t finish the conversation, and they’ll be happy to see you the next time. Always leave before they start to get tired of you.

    The next time you see them, be happy to see them. Say something like “Oh hey Alice! It’s so good to see you again!” and mean it. That way she is glad to see you, and she feels good about seeing you. Start up another conversation, tell her something like “I saw [thing] the other day and it reminded me of you because you were telling me about [thing] and I wished you had been there because I would have liked to have heard your thoughts on it.” It lets her know that you think about her and the things she tells you.

  8. Be awkward hope my dumb sense of humour doesn’t scare them off, it worked once out of like 20 times, not bad odds.

  9. I’m a big believer in quality time and acts of service, so you’d better get that we’re going to go do some cute esoteric shit together. I love taking people I’m interested in on memorable dates 🙂 If nothing else, it gives her a story to tell her friends

    Otherwise, dumb jokes. They’re approximately 90% of my personality

  10. There is no “game” for me. If I like her, I am who I am. If she doesn’t like that, then she’s not the one for me anyway. I don’t want her getting interested in who she thinks I am because of some “role” I played. I don’t want to have to keep up any charade if it works out well, because then she’d ultimately be disappointed in who I really am later. So, basically, I just act natural. If it goes somewhere, great. If not…it saves me trouble later.

  11. Generally more bubbly to see her, dial up my funny meter, flirt, try to break the “touch barrier”. Idk, just basic stuff really.

    At the end of the day your level of game doesn’t matter as much as you’d think, it’s entirely the girls decision as to how far you’ll get with her. And if she’s interested? It’s easy af, she’ll tee up everything for you, you just have to swing.

  12. Oh I have a story about it. My overwhelmingly male friends had a stupid habit of watching porn movies in group. It wasn’t to get aroused, they just was making rude comments and laughing. Once they did it in a party where both me and her were present. It was before I asked her out.

    So what I did I was pretending being too drunk to pay attention to the movie.

  13. Generally the game starts before you meet the girl. If you are “in active search” you should become a better version of yourself. I remember I was reading some poetry. It all faded away after we got together. Maybe now I would make some hobby and a group of friends, just to have some events to bring a woman to.

  14. None. I’m good with girls but when I meet a girl I actually like… I just fucking stutter like an asshole.

  15. If I don’t like her? Game’s strong. Ball hard, ball fast, ball deep. Mega Supreme Giga-Chad.

    If I like her? Hfkdkendbagagagggsbdncmfjxushpffttt.

    Pretty accurate.

  16. I have ZERO game. I’m just honest I will say that I think you look beautiful and that I would love to go on a date

    Doesn’t work 🙁

  17. I don’t. Too old to play the court jester or dancing monkey. I just talk and if they seem interested, ask if they want to smash.

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