I have meet a awesome girl on a dating site and now we are talking for a few days now and both have disabled our dating site and I feel like we are perfect for each other and openly talk about dating and stuff.

But we will meet in like 1 week due to distance between our cities.

Should I go for the kiss when we first see each other? or wait until the end or during the date. If so what is the ideal non awakward way to say hi in a situation like this, when we know and care for each other online but we are strangers physically.

  1. Usually this is based off how you feel in person.. scheduling a kiss is strange . Go with how you feel when you guys meet and hang out .

  2. Don’t do it right as you meet, but also _definitely_ don’t do it at the end of the date. Do it during the date, in a good moment, when you both are having a good time, e.g. after you’ve made her laugh.

    Postponing it until the end may create an awkward atmosphere where maybe the vibe is not quite right for a kiss, but you still feel like you have to go in for a kiss and then you just make it all weird.

  3. Old School, offer a handshake/hug at meeting, if she goes for the hug, maybe kiss her cheek…

  4. Flash back to a first meet I had with a guy I met online. Chat was great. Everything great. Plans to say hi and get that romantic kiss accomplished immediately. We both thought it was a great plan!

    And I dove 2.5 hours to meet someone who was totally different than I expected, even after exchanging pic and phone calls.

    Don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself.

  5. Dont do it as you meet, that just will weird them out and ruin your chances. I tend to kiss near the end if the date went really well.

    If its good then I’d do it second date

    Just go with your gut during the date based on how she is feeling

  6. You can hug her. But I usually handshake. And say my name. Definitely you should try for a kiss but in the middle of the date also don’t forget to touch her.
    But if you can’t kiss her in the middle of the date try in the end it’s still better than nothing

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