Hi, I know this sounds terrible. Just looking for some advice here. So tonight I (38 F) ran into a man I know (76 M) and long story short, we ended up having sex. It was the best sex of my life. The thing is that he is married and I knew that going in. He is an acquaintance but not really a friend of my father’s. He said he and his wife have grown apart and haven’t really been in love in a long time. He asked if he could see me again and I said yes. I feel awful about it, but in the other hand, the sex was amazing and I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing where this goes and possibly having a LTR with this man. But he is married and also twice my age. What should I do?

(I posted this in some other subs, but so far have mainly gotten ridiculous responses, so I’m trying again)

  1. Sleeping on a regular basis with a married guy is by not really that uncommon. 76 is a bit out there, but otherwise

    Youre not really that unique … wo you do you.

    Just don’t start spinning any narrative about fate being cruel matching you up with a guy you cant ever have or similar like some do.

  2. What advice are you seeking? Do you want validation that what is happening is okay? You may find that, but likely you will find more people disgusted by it. Lots of people have affairs, doesnt make it right or wrong, thats a personal view. In my opinion, its up to you to determine if you and him are okay with it. Ask yourself whether you can live with how this might affect his wife? Does she get a say in this?

  3. Cheaters are as bad as the person who knowingly cheats with them. Why would you be like that? This behavior is extremely low and you’re only hurting others for no reason. Don’t think it is a good thing to do because it’s not.

  4. Girl if you had the best sex of your life with a 76yo then you need to do some experience gathering to do. Also, he’s 76 – not sure how much ‘long term’ we are talking about. Also what does that look like? You changing his diapers in a few years?

    About the married aspect – people always say things like they’re drifting away from their spouses etc. No one is gonna sleep with someone if they say oh my marriage is great I just want to bang some more people. Do your due diligence.

    Also, let’s say even if they have an unhappy marriage it’s not your place to insert yourself into in and help him or something.

  5. This person is a troll. Look at the username and they posted this story 6x. Look at their responses. People, stop giving your thought out advice to trolls!!!

  6. GTFO, this story can’t be true. What advice do you need? Here’s mine: you need to stop your creepy cravings for dudes who are close to 80, and if not… get used to the idea of being known as a homewrecker, shortly followed by widow.

  7. 76?!?!

    Edit: you know what I shouldn’t even be surprised. My neighbour is 96 and still moving around as if he’s young. I could only imagine how he was 20 years ago. But damn…

  8. You suck for knowingly having sex with a married person. My advice is to find a way to not be a terrible person.

  9. You posted on other subs and didn’t get the answers you were looking for, because you know the right answer.

  10. I’ve seen how this ends for the women like you. Its here on reddit. Let me narrate for you, since I can’t be bothered to search.


    You’ll be bitter, coz you want to be with him, and he wont divorce his wife, whom he spent most of his like with (surprise lol). Once this settles down(a few “dates”), he will only message you when he wants sex. There wont be dates, unless it involves sex. He wont talk about you with literally anyone. He wont be able to contact him whenever you want, because he will be with people whom he actually cares about, and who CANT find out you exist.

    You planning an LTR with him is a joke. And not only because hes 76. He is married. If he was unsatisfied how he says he is, he would divorce. But he does not. He wants sex, and his wife doesn’t give it to him. You’ll be a sex toy to him.


    You’ll be a family destroyer, and if this goes out, you’ll be blamed just as much as he will. By his family AS WELL as yours.


    If you fine with all of that, go ahead.

  11. All cheaters will say they don’t love their spouse or any other excuses. Of course who would say that me and my wife are happy.
    Save yourself and don’t do it again. Find someone else. Age doesn’t matter, but being a mistress a home wrecker, what are you thinking?

  12. My advice is to not do it again without a clear understanding of what you both want. If you’re both after sex, then you need to take into account how many other women he is sleeping (or will sleep) with. Someone who cheats on a spouse will not only do it again, but often with different people.

    I would advise not to get drawn in too quick, no matter what he says. Because him sleeping with you makes him a liar.

  13. I Dont understand Why you like old people. The fact that he is married is nog bad as long as you are single. The other person is making The fault. If you Grow apart make an open relation Or get a divorce.

  14. Uh if he hasn’t left his wife for you then I don’t think he’s looking for anything long term

  15. I can’t tell the situation between the older mans marriage and I do not support infidelity so here is my response without the marriage part.. As some people pointed out from your previous posts. You need to ask the old man and discuss where this is going. Ask where the marriage is going and is it okay if he is able to date you and have a long-term relationship.

    Only way to get an honest answer and should be asking is the man you slept with. You won’t find your answer here as you can see from the majority of comments. Ask those simple questions and go from there.

    It sounds like you do like old men and that is alright. Like I said you need to ask him those questions I stated so you get an honest answer from him and not us.

  16. Just forget about him, this is all bad karma to sleep with someone that’s married. Find someone available that’s a little closer to your age for a long term relationship. It’s extremelyyy rare for the mistress to have a happy ending in these situations. If he’s serious about being unhappy and wants to pursue something with you or someone else he will get a divorce BEFOREHAND.

  17. I don’t see any problem with cheating personally, people are going to do what they want and especially if it’s a dead bedroom who really cares.

    There’s no long term potential here due to the age gap but that doesn’t really matter either

    75% chance this is trolling

  18. For starters, not sleep with a man you know is married. But that bridge has already been crossed, so leave the guy alone. If he and his wife are as distant as he says than he should be working on that with her, not sleeping with other women. I’m not going to judge you bc that isn’t my place and I don’t know you, but don’t sleep with this guy again. If the tables were turned and your husband slept with another women you wouldn’t take it so lightly.

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