I find myself in this trap of comparison.

  1. You set goals and measures to determine your own self worth. Step away from looking at what others have or you will always be disappointed.

  2. It’s irrelevant what people earn. I have shares, investment properties, savings, and spent $10k on my teeth.

    My brother earns over double what I do, and lives with his mum with no savings.

    People who brag about what they earn, rarely have anything of worth. I prefer to brag about how little I earn.

  3. To be honest I used to care. My wife earns more than I do. my buddies are fucking ballers, buddy of mine at work casually dropped 12k on a watch over the weekend like it was nothing.

    I work hard for what I have , and I’m grateful for it, I’ve been at a point where I had nothing but a beat up car that i was sleeping in , a job making $7 an hour , taking showers at the beach changing rooms before work.

    What I have now , what I’ve earned. I appreciate because I know it could be gone in an instant, like it was when I was younger. Earn what you need, be grateful for it. Appreciate the little things.

    If you lost it all right now, would you still be dick measuring?

  4. Its nice to be able to not think about everything you buy in the grocery store. Living paycheck to paycheck sucks.

    I am juat thankful i am no longer in that position. More money would hardly make me happier. Mo money mo problems 😉

  5. I never cared. I like my job, it pays enough to live and buy stuff. Good enough for me.

  6. Knowing that people like Elon Musk have enough many to shit on 100x whatever you+that person you’re comparing to within one card swipe

    Why compete when the system is rather rigged at this point by billionaire people who skip taxes

  7. Be your “own point of origin”. The goals have to primarily come from within rather than be generated by external metrics; understand what are “means to an end” for you and what constitutes the “end”. You have to know your core values and interests to form goals that are truly your own. As soon as you have those and measure your current abilities + achievements against that internal goal, external things like “but the others are already at” move into the background.

    Of course if you find out that one of your core values is dominating the competition it won’t move much into the background, but it may still be toned down once the focus shifts towards the abilities/skills need to dominate the competition.

    So work on formulating a non-contradictory mental model of what it is your are striving for, understand that achieving these goals is primarily influenced by your efforts and the quality of your skills while pursuing these goals. This should help to at least strip away the petty elements of competition if not remove the perception of being in a unnecessary competition, making life more productive and less destructive.

  8. Comparison is à thief of joy. Its a sentence that helped me. You spend tile comparing yourself, its time you dont spend enjoying yourself, enjoying life, thinking about how to improve yourself, you dont improve yourself you are still insecured you are still insecured you still have a weakness, you still have a weakness you still dick measure bs. Its a spiral thz intensifie as mife goes on, down to low self esteem and à not so good life compared to what it could be. Comparing bring you chains of shame for not being rish enough, frustration you, its a fucking burden. It comes down to à simple question, its your energy, what do you want to spend it own ? You or thinking about others ?

    You cant buy happiness its like those pay to win games, happiness comes from within. Sure having à pricy and quality thing, whatever it is à car, house, tv screen etc, its a little bonus, here and there it lift your spirit a bit. But its nothing without the rest. Some people have better things than you, thats mife its always like this but they dont have your.. lets call it Destiny. Which is just the way you have to go on to feel good about yourself. Now do that, take your risks, do the shit you feel deep down you need to do. Thats how you get out of this mindset.

    And i mean, i know people who earn good money.. fuck i just realized that all of them are pretty sad on a certain level. You are aiming at the wrong thing in a way, or you are not aiming at it hard enough.

    Hope it helps good luck.

  9. EVERYONE earns more than me so I don’t care. As long as I can get by and keep the family going, it’s enough.

  10. Simple: I have time to play video games while they have to do an outrageous amount of taxes.

    I take that W every day.

  11. I stopped caring. I focus on myself and my work. If I feel underpaid, I seek new employment. Comparing myself to others in any aspect only leads to misery.

  12. My friend makes $40k more than me a year. I’m at $80k, she’s at $120k. She can barely pay her bills. I have about $1500 extra each month. It’s not about how much you earn.

  13. By recognizing that pay is only slightly tied to merit, intelligence, work ethic, and morality.

    Do you judge people based on income or do you judge them based on character? Judge yourself the same way you judge others.

  14. I never cared to begin with. I can’t fathom keeping up with the Jones.

    How do you do that AND do anything you’re interested in? I feel like it would be a conflict of interests.

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