I recently went to a nightclub like i used to to a couple months back. Usually i can make a friend or two and be pretty relaxed, dance and be pretty relaxed. This time i had this shakiness and anxiety to me(i used to have social anxiety) and i couldn’t really take it easy and let myself go. I didn’t wanna spend copious amounts of money on overpriced alcohol so i was pretty much sober aside from a few drinks, those drinks didn’t get me going so i was tempted to buy a few more but in the end decided not to.

I couldn’t shake of the feeling of people looking at me, and while i was dancing the feeling got even stronger so ultimately i felt uncomfortable and had to leave, especially since i didn’t have my friends with me to give me that passive comfort.

I thought i made progress in being more comfortable going out alone. I already went to another country alone and had a great time there.

I feel a bit defeated since i don’t wanna be this uncomfortable while doing something i enjoy, that being dancing and socializing.

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