dear men who don’t drink coffee, what’s the replacement?

  1. Peppermint Chewing gum. The minty feeling wakes me up fine normally

    Also blasting earphones to music that sounds like something worth dancing to

    I knew that if I started drinking coffee like my parents recommended I would end up like them where my body just gives up producing as much natural energy bc it relies on the coffee

  2. I’ve been drinking coffee since the age of 2 (cafe con leche) at this point I think the replacement is death.

  3. I generally don’t drink caffeine any more, unless my shitty job forces me to deprive myself of sleep. I tend to drink water, diet A&W root beer or sugar free gatorade. Not counting a cocktail or three on game nights.

  4. Like if you’re just doing it for the taste, then maybe tea or low cal energy drinks. If you want to cut out caffeine altogether, then maybe try to improve your sleep schedule.

  5. Nothing. I’m naturally caffeinated. The last time I drank coffee was almost 13 years ago, while deployed. I felt like that episode of Futurama when Fry drank that 100th cup.

  6. Been caffeine free since the 1990’s–the withdrawal was hell, but I don’t miss it at all.

  7. I quit caffeine at the start of the year, but will have the odd black tea as a boost for my workouts. I drink decaf coffee, and herbal tea when I want something hot, but usually just water for me.

  8. Im quitting coffee myself, I’ve replaced it with water. It wakes me up faster than coffee does

  9. Yogi brand detox tea (hot) with a little bit of sweet cream coffee creamer.

    My go to morning drink. Once in a while I try coffee again and it’s not even close to being as good.

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