Men, what’s an activity you’re recently into that you wish you would’ve learned about years earlier?

  1. Jerking off, did you know it’s not gay to make yourself cum? It blows my mind I can be getting a handy from a guy and nobody assumes I am a homosexual, just because that guy happens to be me.

    When me and all my guy friends sit naked in a tight circle blindfolded and randomly start jerking whatever dick we happen to grab first, that’s not gay either because it could be my own dick I am jerking, because the blindfold.


  2. Spoon carving. It’s really relaxing, and I’ve the idea of taking a raw material and turning it into something useful.

  3. So I started to row (crew) in 2019; honestly it would have been awesome to learn and do a lot year I plan on taking lessons to scull and then be able to go out in a single whenever. Would be awesome because we have some amazing mornings with the river and the sunrise.

  4. Wine making.

    Just made my first batch of Mead.

    Super fun and I wish I’d known about it years ago so I’d kept my grandfather’s wine making supplies instead of letting my uncle sell them.

  5. Got into warhammer and tabletop RPGs, never did before because of its “geek” stereotyping,

    involved a couple of years now, really wholesome community’s,

    Met guys with manly jobs like builders and metalworkers getting excited over delicate highlighting and fancy model bases… it’s amazing.

    Not had any toxic dealings, never had a game that wasn’t fun, never had a loss ground into my face

  6. Cooking.

    Like *really* cooking – seasoning the cast iron, sharpening knives, picking the best cuts of meat, planning for the week, learning how things pair, etc etc.

  7. Properly keeping my house clean.

    Was terrible at doing it, recently picked it up with some help and it’s just excellent.

  8. Judo and Jiu Jitsu, and gymnastics. I’m fairly okay at both of them now as a late starter (in my 20s). But I wish I started them sooner, especially judo and gymnastics.

    I played football (soccer), but it was only for fun. I was never really good at it.

  9. Photography, it is really a nice hobby that I wished I had pursued a little more intently when I was younger, if I did, it may have turned into a career.

  10. Weightlifting and karaokes. Yeah, they don’t relate in any way, but they are things that I discovered almost at the same time.

    There is something special on the sensation of breaking your clean PR.

    There is something special on singing I want it that way with your Bro.

  11. House maintenance. Lived in apartments for many years, finally bought a house beginning of this year, holy shit house ownership related work is so fun?? Bro mowing the lawn? Fixing small damages? Shoveling snow? Pulling weeds? Hell yeah! So relaxing and satisfying

  12. Meditation. Just taking 15 mins to myself every morning/night to just let my thoughts run wild as I focus on my breathing is a great relief and makes it easier to go to sleep.

  13. Radio events. I went to my first one a year ago. I was 21 and I still had my old ID so I want sure if I’d be allowed. Anyway the radio host I met hooked me up with free shirts and other stuff. Super down to earth guy. I met my friend Jorge there and he introduced to me everybody there. The rest is history. I’m friends with that host and others from the same station on Facebook.

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