I’m a 25F and in September, I’ll have been dating my boyfriend (M26) for 3 years.

On the weekend, we had an argument and on Monday, he suggested we take a break for a few days to cool down cause we’re arguing in circles. I said I didn’t want a break but accepted his request.

We used to talk all day, every day, and now it’s Thursday and we haven’t spoken since Monday.

I miss him and want to talk to him, but feel like since he was the one who asked for the break that I shouldn’t reach out first.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Do you think it would be okay to text him, or should I hold out and wait for him to reach out first again?

I feel silly, like we should be past that stage of “who texts first” and “do I look desperate if I respond immediately.” We were never like that in the first place and I’m unsure what to do.

Any advice is appreciated.

TLDR: If boyfriend requested a break, am I okay to message him after a couple of days, or should I wait for him to end the break?

  1. You should text him he’s might be waiting on a text. From a guys pov that’s what I would want.

  2. I would say If you really want you can send him a message saying “hey just wanted to check in and see how you are. I miss you and I hope ur doing well. No need to reply I want to give u all the space you need just wanted to let u know that I’m here for you and ready to speak whenever u feel like u are” something like that

  3. If you’re asking reddit on whether or not to text your boyfriend of 3 years, your relationship is already doomed

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