How’d you prepare for your first date?

  1. Dress nice.

    Hygene and some form of aftershave.


    Have funds for food and a activity.

    Have a plan what to do (where to eat and a activity)

  2. Trim the hedges/shave > shower > brush teeth > scrub tongue > floss > wash face > apply antiperspirant > spray cologne (make sure it can only be smelled from up close like really close) > get dressed (something casual but not graphic tee casual) > take some breath mints with you > be yourself and you are good to go.

    Remember to let the conversation flow (don’t interrogate her) and also remember that you are just as much of a judge as she is, so if you don’t vibe or she lacks manners or she’s on her phone take note of that.

    Good luck!

  3. * Clean & tidy the house top to bottom.
    * Put fresh sheets on the bed and fresh towels in the bathroom
    *Make sure I have food & drink in the house / fridge
    * Shit, Shower, Shave
    * Dress appropriately for the planned date

    Everything to put me in a positive mindset and make me feel ‘I’m ready’. If it goes well and she wants to come to mine, I’m all set. If it doesn’t go well and I come home alone, I feel fresh & clean and my house and sheets are too.

    If we end up going back to hers, I know all my chores are done so I can be a bit more carefree about staying away from my own house and coming back late.

  4. I believe this question was asked yesterday as well so I’ll give the same answer.

    Make sure my hygiene is on point and also relax.

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