Men who insist on calling everyone “Guy”, WHY?

  1. It’s just something I do. No malice or disrespect intended. Guy, Hoss, Daddy-O, Sport, Killer, Tiger. I use all of them, just not all at the same time.

  2. Friendly expression which implements friendship.
    Sometimes an indicator that a guy wants to be a friend rather than smash.

    Don’t take it negatively lol

  3. Listen my guy, the way I refer to my guy friends is nothing inherently wrong, alright? Trust me. Your not that guy. You’re not that guy.

  4. It’s….maybe the most benign description of a human male in the English language. So if they’re male…guy.

  5. Here is my reason for it, I say guy or guys because it sounds the most casual out of all other words and I know that sounds stupid but if I say “how are you girls/ladies doing” I sound like some kind of old man or romantic, from my knowledge there is no word exactly like guy for Females and any that do exist sound weird in casual conversation.

  6. It’s a trend word saying like hey bro or as in my day hey man yeah showings my age with that one as you can tell with the other comments it’s a trend it will pass

  7. We see them as our equal, our friend, even rising to to the level of being family. We accept them as is, now and always.

  8. English is not my best language. I don’t know what else to use instead of “guy”, but I take suggestions

  9. Always used ‘that fella’ or ‘those fellas’ but I did use that ‘guy’ once but that’s a result of living with an American so our dialogue gets inevitably interchanged. Same with her, using scouse terms is great…

    But to answer the question, it’s an American term, best leave it there.

  10. It’s either that, sir/ma’am, bro or chief, pick your favorite, the standard subscription doesn’t include additional options.

  11. Sorry if you don’t like the word’s actual meaning. There’s some I hate, too. But It’s essentially democracy that makes definitions. You get one vote.

    The two best sources for what most people think it means:

    Oxford English Dictionary;
    guy: “…people of either sex…”

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
    “used in plural to refer to the members of a group regardless of sex”

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