For the first time in my life, I (29M) met up with a woman I met on OLD. My past relationships have organically developed out of friendships with people I met socially. So I’m pretty new to this kind of thing. I think the date went really well .. except that I don’t really feel attracted at all to her. I wouldn’t mind actually being friends with her. We had good conversation, lots of things in common, and she came across a really decent person. I got the feeling that she was happy with how the date went, so I don’t want to “ghost” her or hurt her feelings but at the same time of course I don’t want to lead her on knowing that nothing will come out of it. So what do you say in these situations? Do I just text the “I’m sorry but I’m not feeling it” message? Any suggestions on how to phrase or approach this better?

  1. “I think we got along well and everything but I didn’t feel any sparks. Are you up for staying in touch as friends?”

  2. i say nothing unless she follows up and shows interest/asks me out again:

    “it was nice meeting you, but im not interested in taking things any further. best of luck”

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