I have no idea what subreddit to post this in, but I don’t know what to do, if I should even do anything. throw away account. I wish I was joking about this.

I (F18) been dating this guy (M18) for about a month now. We hang out about twice a week and everything has been going well. Stuff was happening and next thing you know, his dick is out. I thought it looked abnormally, for lack of a better word, flat. But obviously I didn’t judge or say anything cause every dick is different and who am I to say anything. I begin to give him a handjob, (not comfortable with oral yet), and he looked very uninterested and bored.

I asked him if it felt good, and he said it was okay but didn’t feel much. I kept going for a bit and nothing changed, he still looked bored. I asked him how long it was going to take. He said maybe 15-20 minutes. Shocked I asked If he does the same arm motion for 20 minutes. he said no. I asked what he meant. He said that he doesn’t use his hands and has never used his hands to masturbate. ever.

He explained that he puts his dick in between his legs and squeezes. I don’t know how he does it, as I don’t want to know the specifics honestly. But I keep imaging him bending his hard dick down to his legs and just squishing it for pleasure. He told me that he was insecure about it.

I have tried to look on the internet for other people that do this, but I can’t find anything. This makes me think he is the only one in existence to jack off with his legs.

I’m not sure how to go about this. It makes me a bit uncomfortable but is it really that big of a deal what he does with his own body in his own time? Has squeezing his dick caused it to be flat? I feel lost.

  1. I’m not usually one to kinkshame, but I wouldn’t stay around for this one.

  2. Its more of a problem to me that he just got his dick out and told you your hj was boring.

    He clearly has a problem with masturbation if he has desensitized himself that much that he his bored of real attention.

    The how is kinda weird but whatever its more the above which is the problem.

  3. That just sounds painful, bending it back that far while hard would hurt like a mf.

  4. When you guys are ready for sex and head this might turn into a non-issue. HJ can be awkward and unstimulating especially if you’re inexperienced and he’s not even into that. If it remains in the way of him enjoying himself as things progress you might wanna think about how that’ll affect the relationship. I think the way you’ve handled it so far is nice. No need to blame him overmuch. This is so bizarre. I struggle to see how it would change his shape. if you’ve made this up bravo.

  5. That’s a similar thing to prone masturbating I expect. It’s gonna take a hell of a big effort on his part to change the way he touches himself. It’s total reconditioning of his masturbating habits and if he’s been doing this since forever… it’s not going to be easy. 😣

  6. I think they’re cross-sectionally more oval shaped, as opposed to a circle. But I can honestly say it’s not something I’ve given much thought to up until now.

  7. So, um…

    If you stay with him you guys could try “thigh f*cking”.

    It’s popular in hentaî so that honestly might be where he got it from.

    Aside from that, it was pretty rude for him to be so blase about his lack of interest, but given how young y’all are it’s kind of understandable. Try to communicate better, if you can. If it makes you really uncomfortable then it’s best to part ways, sex stuff is touchy and weird no matter what especially when it comes to things people will do to themselves so if it’s just not working for you then no worries and neither of you should feel bad.

    Best of luck and never do anything you don’t want to do!


  8. No matter what you do, changing the size, shape or angle of the dangle will never work. So the way he looks is just genetics. He hasn’t deformed himself.

    I met a girl that had her orgasms just by clenching her fists. No help needed. She had no problem being single but I was fascinated.

    I used to be able to have an orgasm by just concentrating, no touching at all. 🙂

    His ability is unique and should be admired actually. But as with any masturbation it’s possible to find it difficult to have orgasms that are a shared effort.

    If you two can work out how to share intimacy it could be wonderful. If you need more “normal” things definitely find someone else.

    But, don’t be surprised if each person you meet has something unique about them as well. Maybe not like what you’re experiencing now, but what seems normal to me could seem bizarre to you.

  9. I don’t know but never ask a man “how long is this going to take” that sounds miserable

  10. I seldom laugh out loud even when watching memes, but that title made me instantly lol

  11. In the show Big Mouth, a character named Jay shoves his dick between his legs to repeatedly jack off publicly. But Jay is a known perv.

  12. Perhaps try squeezing it then? Seems like he wants overall pressure not just the up and down motion. Take it as a chance to experiment, whether or not you stick around long term.

  13. When I (F) was 18 I masturbated strangely which my bf pointed out.

    Switched up my method after that.

    Over the years (age 32 now) switched up my method a couple other times

    Yea his method is super strange, but often those habits start when we are young and don’t know any better. Could have accidentally rubbed his leg the first time and it felt good so he just kept with that motion.

    Just tell him that’s something you’ve never heard of and see if he’ll try it a diff way because it could bring him better or new pleasure

    I did see someone write here that it could be a hentai thing…that raises more of a red flag than just being a weird strategy guy

  14. He’s definitely not the only one. I used to work at a sex shop for a while. It’s definitely a kink!

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